Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

To Secure the Border, We Must Destroy It">
To Secure the Border, We Must Destroy It
In which a card-carrying member of the East Coast cultural elite travels the length of the border in search of Donald Trump's America — and learns to stop worrying and love the Wall.

Freaking Humongous Gator Takes Lazy Stroll Across A Florida Golf Course
Freaking Humongous Gator Takes Lazy Stroll Across A Florida Golf Course
En route to the clubhouse for a cool piña colada, this big guy decided to take a shortcut across the green.

林瑪黛Ma-te Lin【馬戲團】Circus | official music video

林瑪黛Ma-te Lin【馬戲團】Circus | official music video

希望所有被奴役的心, 都能得到釋放, 你看見了嗎? ————————————————————————— 林瑪黛首支以手繪逐格動畫結合3D背景的MV 由導演小油與動畫監製陳佑誠 兩個實踐媒體傳設計學系的同班同學首度聯手合作 陳佑誠參與許多業界動畫製作 包括電視廣告、MV、劇情片、遊戲 剛由海外菁英計畫的法國動畫學校Supinfocom歸國 即加入這次動畫MV的製作行列 由小油擅長的插畫風格進行動畫的美術設計 結合陳佑誠的出色逐格動畫專長 歷經三個月嘔心瀝血的密集製作 在陳佑誠帶領的動畫團隊 以及和優秀的動畫公司豐饒之海合作之下 終於完成了馬戲團這首現實與奇幻交錯的作品 ————————————————————————— 林瑪黛Ma-te Lin【馬戲團】Circus | official music video 馬戲團 詞:林意倩 曲:林意倩 淚水在轉圈圈呀 傷口在重複奔馳那 一圈一圈的火焰 我離開地面 飛躍在黑白的空間 數不盡的歡呼 聽覺卻模糊 表情看似有點那麼痛苦 我穿著小丑衣服 背著超載的束縛 表演著高難度 被奴役的技術 被奴役 被奴役 哎呀呀呀 哎呀阿 NO FREEDOM LIKE A PRISON MAGIC CIRCUS COMES FROM A SIMPLE PURPOSE 被鋼索鍊住的腿 扭曲成你的臉 撕下了這張臉 紅色的面具消失不見 你看見了嗎 你看見了嗎 OHOHOH 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 MAGIC CIRCUS MAGIC CIRCUS NO FREEDOM ————————————————————————— 音樂: 製作人 Producer: 黃少雍 Shao Yong Huang 錄音師 Recording Engineer: 陳以霖 Yi Lin Chen 混音 Mix Engineer: Kevin Paul 母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer: Kevin Paul 發行公司 Published By: 派樂黛唱片有限公司 Dark Paradise Records Music Video: 導演 Director:小油 Little Oil 動畫監製 Animation Supervisor :陳佑誠 Bei Chen 美術監製 Art Directo:小油 Little Oil 動畫 Animation: 陳佑誠 Bei Chen 黃鈞毅 Peter Huang/豐饒之海OCEAN TADS 劉子千 Zi-Qian/豐饒之海OCEAN TADS 朱俊昇 Chun-Sheng Ju 李華馨 Hua-Hsin Lee 袁巧芙 Choph Yuan 楊惠勻 Aboo Yang 范睿婷 Juiting Fan 黃靖媛 Mavis Huang 3D layout:朱俊昇 Chun-Sheng Ju 合成Compositing:朱俊昇 Chun-Sheng Ju 後製Post-production:朱俊昇 Chun-Sheng Ju/施昭羽 小油 Little Oil 標題字幕設計Title Designer&Graphic Motion:小油 Little Oil ————————————————————————— 作者群連結: 小油Little Oil: 豐饒之海OCEAN TADS: 朱俊昇: 李華馨: Aboo Yang: 范睿婷: 黃靖媛: ————————————————————————— 林瑪黛 2015 首張專輯《房間裡的動物》6月全面發行 ————————————————————————— 實體購買:博客來 ————————————————————————— 專輯數位發行收聽: iTunes KKBOX Spotify Amazon myMusic Omusic 首波動畫MV【滿奇】: 偶動畫MV【我的地盤】: 跑酷MV【HOPE POPO】: 歌詞版MV【北極星】: ————————————————————————— 林瑪黛 Ma-Te Lin 官方Facebook: 林瑪黛官方網站: ————————————————————————— 本片獲文化部影視及流行音樂產業局105年補助

Portrait of an Artist | Guido van Helten

Portrait of an Artist | Guido van Helten

In August 2015, film director Selina Miles travelled with artist Guido van Helten to Akureyri - a town on the north coast of Iceland, to produce a very unique work. This 6-minute film documents their journey, and offers insight into the unique personality of one of Australia's most sought after street artists. This project was a self initiated collaboration between Selina Miles and Guido van Helten, who both sought to use their respective practices to delve deeper into the wonderful and unique culture of Iceland. Thanks go to Akureyrarstofa (Akureyri Cultural Office) for facilitating the project. Directed, shot and edited by Selina Miles @selinamiles Artwork by Guido van Helten @guidovanhelten Music by Julien Marchal Shot on Sony A7S and Canon 6D Using Metabones Adapter and Canon Lenses Atomos Shogun 4K Recorder Sound by Zoom H5

Overcoming Childhood

Overcoming Childhood

Directed designed and animated by Marc Moynihan for School of Life, May 2016. Script by Alain de Botton.

Strange Feeling

Strange Feeling

Music by Close Talker. Thanks to Joe Klymkiw for help on set. See more work @

Claire Cronin - The Unnatural | Music Video

Claire Cronin - The Unnatural | Music Video

Music video for the song "The Unnatural" by Claire Cronin. Album: Came Down a Storm Badabing Records 2016 LINK TO THE ALBUM:

Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Texas floods leave 6 dead">
Texas floods leave 6 dead
Rain is devastating Southeast Texas in unimaginable ways. Six people are confirmed dead, others are missing, and cities are being torn apart by damage.

Away Days

Away Days Filmed over the course of three years and spanning shoots in more than 100 cities around the globe, Away Days is the first full-length skateboarding film from Adidas. Anchored by unique team chemistry and creativity inspired by life on the road, Away Days showcases the raw talent, style, and personalities of its global and international teams including legacy pros Mark Gonzales, Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal and Lucas Puig and rising stars Alec Majerus, Miles Silvas, Na-kel Smith and Tyshawn Jones.

A Candidate At The Libertarian Convention Stripped On Stage Instead Of Giving A Speech
A Candidate At The Libertarian Convention Stripped On Stage Instead Of Giving A Speech
Two important things happened at this weekend's Libertarian Party National Convention: the party nominated Gary Johnson as its presidential candidate and James Weeks, a candidate for party chair, got naked on stage.



A fantasy based short featuring the journey of a wolf, who travels with the moon, Created by Phoebe Warries Produced at The University of Hertfordshire/ uhanimation. Awards won at the uhanimation Expose for: -The best 2D film of 2016 -The Audience Choice Award 2016 -uhanimation Expose Grand Prix 2016



Short film I've done during the Gobelins/Calarts Exchange program. It was an amazing experience ! Click here to see more films by my classmates:

Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Fired on Mars

Fired on Mars

A man is fired from his job on Mars. Starring Sean Wing

The unending quest of the Hoax Slayer">
The unending quest of the Hoax Slayer
Thirteen years ago, Brett Christensen was the victim of an email hoax. Since then, he’s dedicated himself to preventing the same fate for others.

Artist Illustrates A Story Beautifully With Calligraphy And Ink Speed Painting
Artist Illustrates A Story Beautifully With Calligraphy And Ink Speed Painting
There's little more aesthetically pleasing than a beautiful poem written in calligraphy. Magic ink art is one of those things.



эпизод 5 «Арктический океан. Тундра» Фильм рассказывает о жизни российских серферов и о катании в условиях крайнего севера. Только единицы пробовали заниматься серфингом в Северном Ледовитом океане и ещё меньше людей пробовало сделать это в России. Съёмки проходили в течении года в различных местах Мурманской области. Съемочная команда застала различные сезоны, условия и настроения этих мест. Преодолев все трудности и проникнувшись настроением герои делятся своими впечатлениями об этих местах, о прошлом нашей страны и своём детстве. Режиссёр и оператор постановщик Константин Кокорев Операторы Елисей Гладников, Александр Фетцов Серферы Константин Кокорев, Сергей Расшиваев, Николай Рахматов Фотографы Татьяна Елизарьев, Андрей Артюхов, Константин Кокорев Саунд дизайн Андрей Черный Episode 5 "The Arctic ocean. Tundra." The movie tells us about the Russian surfers riding in the severe conditions of The Far North. Only few ones have tried surfing at this latitude, even fewer have tried it in Russia. The movie's been shot during one year at different locations in the Murmansk region. The camera crew has filmed different seasons, conditions and moods of those sites. Having overcome all of the difficulties and having been inspired by the northern spirits, our heroes share their impressions about the places they've visited, the past of our country and their childhood. Director - DOP Konstantin Kokorev Operators Elisey Gladnikov, Alex Fetsov Surfers Konstantin Kokorev, Sergey Rasshivaev, Nikolay Rahmatov Photographers Tatiana Elisarieva, Andrey Artukhov, Konstantin Kokorev Sound design Andrey Cherniy

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016



Harry Frankfurt is an American philosopher and author of the New York Times Best Seller "On Bullshit". Although first conceived as an essay over 30 years ago, his theory on bullshit is more relevant than ever before. BULLSHIT! aims to further our understanding of what bullshit is, why there's so much of it, and how it can be a greater enemy to the truth than lies.

Have Mercy on Your Bank Account — The Full House House is For Sale">
Have Mercy on Your Bank Account — The Full House House is For Sale
Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there's an excellent real estate opportunity in San Francisco laden with childhood nostalgia.

'Unauthorized' Repairman Fixes A Macbook With Simple Logic, Explains Why Apple Repair Is A Massive Joke
'Unauthorized' Repairman Fixes A Macbook With Simple Logic, Explains Why Apple Repair Is A Massive Joke
You don't actually have to go to the Genius Bar and waste your time and money with Apple. There are people who know how to fix your laptop. And this guy is proof that they're experts too.

Room Service

Room Service

Directed by Ghaith Al-Talli, Vincent Brossard, Yannick Dondi, Julie Evain, Marie Greff. Music by Daisy Herbaut. © MOPA (Supinfocom Arles) 2014 -

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

The secret life of Kim Jong Un’s aunt, who has lived in the U.S. since 1998">
The secret life of Kim Jong Un’s aunt, who has lived in the U.S. since 1998
For the past 18 years, since defecting from North Korea into the waiting arms of the CIA, she's been living an anonymous life with her husband and three children.

The Only Part Of The National Spelling Bee That Mattered Is This Kid's Ice Cold Game
The Only Part Of The National Spelling Bee That Mattered Is This Kid's Ice Cold Game
My god. Shaking your head as your opponent is trying to spell and then clapping right in the kid's face? That's just raw. Hell yea. (The taunter, Nihar Janga, and the speller, Jairam Hathwar, went on to share the Spelling Bee title.)

Grandma Lo-fi: The Basement Tapes of Sigrídur Níelsdóttir

Grandma Lo-fi: The Basement Tapes of Sigrídur Níelsdóttir At the tender age of 70 she started recording and releasing her own music straight from the living room. Seven years later she had 59 albums to her name with more than 600 songs – an eccentric myriad of catchy compositions mixing in her pets, found toys, kitchen percussion and a Casio keyboard. Sigríður Níelsdóttir is her name, and before long the Icelandic/Danish musician and visual artist became an adored cult figure in the Icelandic music scene, represented here by her young apprentices Mugison, múm, and Sin Fang of Seabear who pay tribute to the grandma’s irresistibly catchy, yet eccentric pop tunes. Shot mostly on Super-8 and 16mm, Grandma Lo-fi was created over a period of seven years by three musicians and debuting directors, capturing the most productive period in the life of Sigríður Níelsdóttir. In many ways Sigríður is like a cartoon character. Poetic moves such as taking in broken-winged pigeons that in return sing along to her tunes, or transforming a cream whisk into a helicopter, all call for animated sequences that bridge the obscure space between her exemplary imagination and a delightfully peculiar everyday existence. Grandma Lo-fi is a cinematic tribute to an amazing musician and to her boundless creativity. The Film is in Danish & Icelandic. English, Icelandic & Spanish subtitles available.

Peter, Bjorn & John »What you talking about?« (Director's Cut)

Peter, Bjorn & John »What you talking about?« (Director's Cut)

Dir.: A Nice Idea Every Day Dp: Tanja Häring Art Direction: Natascha Goldenberg Edit: Vivien Weyrauch Post Production: Fabian Röttger Executive Producer: Frank Hoffmann Producer: Christian Schlieps Grading: Arri Mitte Produced by Mutter&Vater Directed by A Nice Idea Every Day



Here's my third year movie at Mopa, Enjoy ! The theme of this year was the garage. Soft used : 3dsMax, Zbrush, Vray, Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Photoshop

Know This

Know This

A celebration of travel photographed over a period 6 years all over the world, entirely on an iPhone. Written & Directed by: Christian Sorensen Hansen Music by: Peter Broderick Thank you to all of the amazing, beautiful people who made cameos in this film and in my life. I feel so lucky to have shared (and shredded!) this time with you.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

How John Hinckley Lives Now">
How John Hinckley Lives Now
He drives a Toyota. He eats fro-yo. He shops at PetSmart. You just might run into him.

Elevated Buses That Ride Right Over Traffic Might Be The Future Of Mass Transit
Elevated Buses That Ride Right Over Traffic Might Be The Future Of Mass Transit
This high tech bus model was introduced at this year's China Beijing International High-Tech Expo. The engineers behind it claim that the vehicle would function similarly to a subway but would cost one fifth less to construct.

Bernina Sings

Bernina Sings

Mom tells me a story while she hems my pants on her Bernina sewing machine. A self-proclaimed imperfectionist, Mom doesn’t measure fabric or read instructions. After 50 years of sewing, you don’t need to follow anyone’s rules. Through a collage of old family photos, buttons and string, I give texture to Mom’s memories of making clothes on Grandma's Singer sewing machine. Direction, animation, and design by Harriet Lenneman. Created at VCUarts, 2015. Screenings: Concordia Film Festival // Montreal, Quebec // May 2016 Young Visionaries Film Festival // Baltimore, MD // April 2016 Kinematifest 9 // St. Louis, MO // April 2016 RiverRun International Film Festival // Winston-Salem, NC // April 2016 Animation Nights New York // New York, NY // January 2016 The Vision Feast // Auckland, NZ // Dec 2015 Vinalia XXII // Guardia Sanframondi, Italy // July 2015 Art All Night - Trenton Film Festival // Trenton, NJ // June 2015 PUSH Film Festival // Virginia // June 2015

Club Drunk

Club Drunk

A drunken night out at a nightclub.



Director: Machete Bang Bang Cinematography & Color: Rick Darge Concept: Machete, Toogiesauras, Smac Head Choreography: Toogiesauras Dancers: Smac, Toogiesauras, Machete Editor: Machete Special thanks to Brandon Hawkins Music: Plekete by Zap Mama & Work It by Missy Elliott



Ambiance western et terre battue dans ce film très illustré en animation 2D traditionnelle et compositing After effects, et bande son sur mesure. Western and clay court ambiance in this film illustrated in 2D traditional animation and after effects compositing, with a custom-made soundtrack. Art direction / Illustration: Charles Monnier Animation: Pierre Grillère, Benjamin Trancart, Joffrey Escudier Sound Design: Jim Guyot Production: 2Factory / Emmanuel Foissotte More informations: Follow us on FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: Instagram: TWITTER: 2 FACTORY Motion design 4 Rue de jarente 75004 PARIS Tel: 01 83 64 14 34 Web:

Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

So This Dude Is Definitely Sleeping While Autopilot Drives His Tesla, Huh?">
So This Dude Is Definitely Sleeping While Autopilot Drives His Tesla, Huh? 
Tesla's Autopilot is designed to be used with the driver's supervision, but that didn't stop this Tesla owner from embracing the future and taking a quick snooze.

A Reminder That The Ocean Is A Big, Terrifying Place
A Reminder That The Ocean Is A Big, Terrifying Place
This footage from a ship in Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica, is a good reminder that going into rough seas is not for the faint of heart.

SON LUX // Cage Of Bones [Official Music Video]

SON LUX // Cage Of Bones [Official Music Video]

Written & Directed by Jean-Paul Frenay ( Production : Bang Bang Club Executive Producer : Geoffroy Rouffiange Director of Photography : François Starr Editor : Jean-Paul Frenay VFX : Prodigious CGI Cast : Gustaaf Smans Denis Carpentier Christel Pedrinelli Thomas Demarez Walter Zimmermann Leslie Attar Samuel Seynave Olivier Francart Florence Gilles Mathias Ambrozy Helena Coppejans Phantom Operator : Léo Lefèvre First Camera Assistant : Juan Sepulcre First Assistant Camera (only for promo) : Ryszard Ka Second Camera Assistant : Guillaume Cry Camera Assistant : Virgil Leclerq Production Manager : Luc Dechamps Production Assistant : Charly Calicis, Mariola Heslop, Jonas Bukowsky First Assistant Director : David Oeyen Art Director : Jean-Paul Frenay Set Builders : Stéphane De Broyer, Béatrice Arteaga, Maxime Houpe, Abdes, Stéphane Dekie, Joyce Gomez, Samuel Charbonnot, Geoffroy Rouffiange, Jean-Paul Frenay, Luc Dechamps, François Starr Props : Tom Darmstaedter Casting Director : Charly Calicis Make Up : Aurélie Elich Gaffer : Abdel Mouhssin Spark : George Bulterys, Marco Vieira, Denis Liégeois, Edouard Chandelle Key Grip : Xavier Servais, Brendan Senden Key Grip (only for promo) : Julien Chassaignon Grip : Richard Desmarlières Grip Assistant : Charles Jacquier, Quentin Govaerts, Edouard Chandelle Grading : Jean-Paul Frenay CGI Producer : Laurent Sequaris Producer assistant : Alexandre Rubin VFX Producer : Matthieu Royer, Noucha Shahbazi VFX Producer Assistant : Audrey Lagnous Post Production Manager : Kwet Dupic Technical Director : Laurent Martin Modeling : Kadeg Boucher Concept Artist : David Brochard Motion Designer : Bright Photon, Jean-Paul Frenay Tracking : Tim Mendler Setup/Animation : Gwenhael Glon Animation : Jean-Claude Charles, Fabrice Lacroix Shading : Franck Julia, Jérémie Abrial, Lead Compositor : Jérôme Lionard Compositing : Fabrice Lacroix, Jérémie Abrial, François Vico, Laetitia Nicolas, Mathieu Legros, Estelle Chiron, Guillaume Gaussuron, Diego Palacios, Jean-Paul Frenay Renders : Franck Julia A Bang Bang Club Production ©2015 Music video by Son Lux performing Cage of Bones. (C) 2015 Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC



Short-cutting time and space takes some convenient stretching. CREW: Director / Editor / VFX - Zak Tatham Star / Jogger - Jesi the Younger Grip & Art Director - Aaron Manczyk Camera / DOP - Zak Tatham + Efehan Elbi + Aaron Manczyk + Andrew Gavel Additional VFX - Efehan Elbi Composer - Man Made Hill Makeup - Gina Pulai + Frincess Door Carpenter - Zoe Solomon More info:

Last Exit to Elsewhere

Last Exit to Elsewhere

Based off conversations William Least Heat-Moon had on the road in his book 'Blue Highways: A Journey into America.' This film represents my journey of lonely miles through small towns and empty highways. In late 2015 I went on a 5,000mile road trip through the bottom half of the US from California to Louisiana and back. Driving through back-road highways, much like the Least Heat-Moon, I avoided the Interstate Highways as much as I could. It is off these Interstate highways where you can still find remnants of America as it used to be, maybe back when the author drove through it in the late 70's. Over the course of my journey whilst reading 'Blue Highways' I found my experiences on the road mirrored that of the author and though it was written in 1978, still held true to my journey in 2015. Director/Editor: Dan Sadgrove Music: Hanan Townshend Narration: Ólafur Darri Ólafsson Sound: Morgan Johnson at Barking Owl Sound Color: Kath Raisch at Company 3

Transpose by Super Magic Hats

Transpose by Super Magic Hats

Music: Transpose by Super Magic Hats (Rob Masterton) Concept, animation and direction: Tessa Chong Illustration and additional animation: Lee Hodson

The Chinese prisoner's children

The Chinese prisoner's children

In a government building in Nanzhao, the Zhang children’s father awaits his fate. He accidentally killed a child and will probably be executed. The Chinese state makes no provision for prisoners’ children. The Sun Village orphanage takes in sisters Wei and Yan and their brother Won, but without their father they cannot verify their legal status. Will the children ever be able to study and work?

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Do Trump and Clinton Matter?">
Do Trump and Clinton Matter?
Despite the fact that this election looks like it might be one of the most unique ones in history, polling numbers are starting to resemble those of Obama and Romney. Does it really matter who's running?

Watch An Expert Team Salvage A 540-Foot Shipwreck
Watch An Expert Team Salvage A 540-Foot Shipwreck
In January, the 540-foot Modern Express wrecked off the coast of France. The team in charge of rescuing the ship filmed their spectacular efforts.

James - Short Film

James - Short Film

James is about a boy growing up with a disability and the world he creates around it to heal his fractured family and face his tormentors at school. VFX Breakdown: More details on the entire post production here; complete with inane references and other potentially fun tidbits: Full cast and crew: Shot in July 2012, with VFX completed over 2+ years on mornings, nights, weekends and maybe some "down time" at work. Many thanks to a talented pool of friends for their thoughtful input and hard work and an array of tutorials and constant inspiration on Vimeo. Thank you for watching!

Chaud Lapin - Animated Short Movie

Chaud Lapin - Animated Short Movie

CHAUD LAPIN - Graduation Film from Supinfocom Arles. Directed by : Géraldine Gaston : Alexis Magaud : Flora Andrivon: Maël Berreur : Soline Bejuy: © Supinfocom Arles 2014 - Autour de Minuit

Private Island - Drugs

Private Island - Drugs

Directed by Anthony Pham Produced by Alex Feig and Christian Lum 1st AD - Jesse Hayes Cinematography by Brandon Kapelow 1st AC - Jared Wennberg 2nd AC - Loie Templeton Production Assistants - Nathan Shoop and TJ Lasure Sound Design by Jackie Zhou Visual Effects by Patrick Kujawski Wardrobe by Cassidy Cooper Choreography by Michelle Guererro Color by Anthony Hammily Production Company - Whitelist Collective Starring: Spencer Fraye Garrett Fraye Meghan Kolarik Mitchell Fraye Jeremy Lujan Karina Evans Jason Clark Dylan Roberts Listen to Private Island:

Flashes of the Altai

Flashes of the Altai

Three childhood friends set out for the far western corner of Mongolia to combine mountain biking and packrafting in a self-supported adventure into the unknown. Never having attempted a mountain bike to packraft link-up, they decided it was a great idea to travel to one of the most remote and sparsely populated places in the world to try it out. The goal was to traverse the Mongolian Altai, a remote range of high glaciated peaks with silt-laden rivers draining from their heights. The only inhabitants of the region are Kazakh nomads, the last people on earth who continue the tradition of hunting with golden eagles. Ancient standing stones carved over the millennia stand guard over the landscape. Twelve days in the wilderness, riding over high passes loaded with gear, surviving raging whitewater, drinking fermented mare’s milk, and battling the elements, this was not an adventure these young lads would soon forget. A Film By: Joey Schusler Featuring: Mason Lacy, Sam Seward, & Joey Schusler Editor: Joey Schusler & Thomas Woodson Motion Design & VFX: Paul Harrison (Shotgun Infinity) Art Direction: Drew Pautler (Good Fortune Collective) Post Production Sound: Keith White (Keith White Audio) Expedition Logistics: Mason Lacy, Sam Seward, & Canat Chiryazdan Supported by: Yeti Cycles, Smith Optics, Outdoor Research, ENVE Composites, SRAM, RockShox, Skratch Labs, Big Agnes, Revelate Designs Media Partners: Bike Magazine, 5 Point Film Festival Run Time: 5 mins Date of Completion: April 2016 Language: English

Namibia — Cuba's female boxing revolution

Namibia — Cuba's female boxing revolution

"because women should protect their beautiful faces" Starring: Namibia Flores Rodriguez Director: Maceo Frost Director of Photography: Lionel Cabrera Executive Producer: Jesper Pålsson Production Company: Made by Forest Producer: Filip Kiisk Line Producer: Viktor Rising Additional footage: Maceo Frost Editor: Andreas Arvidsson Color: Oskar Larsson, Chimney & Maceo Frost Translations: Mia P. Salazar Sound Design: Jorge Olivares Music: Spectrum Trio - Ogun Service Production Company: Cubana Production Special Thanks to: Steve Angello and Alfredo & Leo Sanchez

Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Four hundred miles with Tesla’s autopilot forced me to trust the machine">
Four hundred miles with Tesla’s autopilot forced me to trust the machine
The KITT-like auto-cruise and auto-steer are equal parts mesmerizing and disturbing.

John Oliver Attempts To Explain Why The Primary System Is Such A Convoluted Mess
John Oliver Attempts To Explain Why The Primary System Is Such A Convoluted Mess
The system for selecting presidential candidates is different from state to state, and in some, it just makes no damn sense.

can i come over?

can i come over?

A commentary on modern romance and the dynamics of having casual sex with someone you don’t love - focusing on the feeling of not being able to voice specific desires because of the lack of intimacy since the ultimate goal of the relationship is sex, not emotional support or any sort of connection. The refrainment from asking for more because of the fear of coming off as too attached, and creating a relationship that is more than what was unspokenly “agreed” upon …But still having the desire to have affection and attention that is not limited to just sexual stimulation, and craving a connection that is not as emotionally removed as sex is in this context, while trying to not let any emotional investment be involved.

Ava Raiin - Eagle Eye (Official Music Video)

Ava Raiin - Eagle Eye (Official Music Video)

A beautiful landscape and experimental visuals create the world of "Eagle Eye" which represents our dichotomous world, the outside “real" world and the world inside the mind. Premiered on Afropunk ( Production Company: dreambear ( Director: Rafatoon Producer: Evan Brown Cinematographers (Colombia): Sebas Teherán / Rudy Black Mosquera Cameraman (New York): David Joshua Ford 3D/Tracking: Andres García Editor/Colorist/Motion: Rafatoon Stylist: Clau Rojas Make Up Artist: George Romero Production Assistant: Rudy Black Mosquera Model: Yilian Hinestroza Special Thank You: Miguel Angel Puerto Sanchez / Andrés Puerto Sanchez

Harvesting Liberty

Harvesting Liberty

Harvesting Liberty is a short film that documents visionaries Michael Lewis (of Growing Warriors) and Rebecca Burgess (of Fibershed) as they collaborate to reintroduce industrial hemp to the American landscape. Growing Warriors is a Kentucky-based farming program designed to train, assist, and equip military veterans with the skills, tools and supplies needed to grow organic produce for their families and communities. Fibershed develops regenerative textile systems that are based on carbon farming, regional manufacturing, and public education. Sign the petition to legalize industrial hemp: Industrial hemp is a crop that has the potential to lower the environmental impacts of textile production, empower small-scale farmers and create jobs in a wide variety of industries. Two non-profit groups, Fibershed and Growing Warriors, are working to reintroduce industrial hemp into Kentucky—and eventually U.S. agriculture. On July 4, 2016, a petition will be delivered urging Congress to pass the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015/2016 (S.134 and H.R. 525) legalizing the cultivation of industrial hemp in the United States. We invite you to learn more about industrial hemp and sign the petition here: Patagonia, through our membership in 1% For The Planet®, provides cash grants and in-kind services to thousands of community-based groups working to create positive change for the planet in their own backyards.

House of Wolves - "Love is a War"

House of Wolves - "Love is a War"

"Love is a War" a film by Tyler T. Williams. Singer-songwriter Rey Villalobos III portrays his grandfather, Rey Villalobos I, who served in WWII. The video opens with the Villalobos' family portraits during the war. For our grandfathers.

The Art Market (in Four Parts): Auctions

The Art Market (in Four Parts): Auctions

How did the art auctions business become a multi-billion-dollar industry? The first film in a series about the art market explores this question, leading viewers through the complex history of auctions, with specific attention to the last 20 years. The film unpacks record-breaking sales, like last week’s epic Jean-Michel Basquiat painting Untitled (1982), hammering in at $51 million, and anomalies such as Ai Weiwei’s Kui Hua Zi (Sunflower Seeds) (2010), which pop up at auction in countless different quantities, making the connection between the auction price and market value of art. Interviews with auction-house specialists, financial analysts, and art-world influencers like Adam Lindemann, Xin Li, Sarah Thornton, Josh Baer, and Don Thompson add personal insight and shape the narrative. Auctions launches a four-part documentary series, followed by Galleries, Patrons, and Art Fairs, released weekly through mid-June. Together, the four segments will tell a comprehensive story about the art market’s history and cultural influence, providing an approachable yet nuanced introduction to a extraordinary subject. Visit to watch all the films. The series is produced in collaboration with UBS and directed by Oscar Boyson. Director: Oscar Boyson Editor: Nate DeYoung Producer: Sean Barth Produced By: Neighborhood Watch Films Assistant Editor: Erin DeWitt Sound: Colin Alexander Music: Jay Wadley of Found Objects Music Production Color: Irving Harvey

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

The obsessive amateur code-breakers hoping to crack the Zodiac killer’s cipher">
The obsessive amateur code-breakers hoping to crack the Zodiac killer’s cipher
The Zodiac Killer left behind more than just death, terror, and a horrific legacy. In his wake lies a series of coded messages that may point to his identity.

Fred Armisen In A Skirt Cracks The New 'SNL' Cast Members Up Mid-Sketch
Fred Armisen In A Skirt Cracks The New 'SNL' Cast Members Up Mid-Sketch
It's hard to do your job when your job description includes keeping a straight face as Jason Sudeikis tickles Fred Armisen until he puts his shoe in the guacamole.

Official video for C.U.R.E by BOOTS!

Official video for C.U.R.E by BOOTS!

Worked with fellow Philadelphia animators Juggling Wolf on this one. Nice people with killer talent.



Short film about the exploration on breathhold of the biggest wreck in Mediterranean sea, by 3 world champions Guillaume Néry, Morgan Bourc'His and Rémy Dubern. All the images were shot between 40 meters and 50 meters by Jérôme Espla (Poisson Lune Production) and his team with a RED EPIC. Those images were possible to make thanks to our great safety-logistic team. A huge thanks also to my sponsor CRESSI to have supported the project. Credits: Produced by: Les Films Engloutis Directed by: Guillaume Néry With: Guillaume Néry - Morgan Bourc'His - Rémy Dubern Underwater images by: Jérôme Espla Second camera: Fabio Ferioli - Julie Gautier Camera assistant-light-safety: Didier Quartino - Pascal Lorent Logistic: Felice Zanini / Techdiving Savona - Nino Piras / Cressi Freediving safety: Cyril Paulet - Benjamin Hortala - Audrey Poggio - Julie Gautier Edit by: Jérôme Lozano Color correction: Arthur Paux Music: Tekapo by Salomon Ligthelm Sound design: Jérôme Espla Special thanks: Cressi - Ball Watch - Gino Sardi - City of Varaze - Sportmed

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Trees seen resting branches while ‘asleep’ for the first time">
Trees seen resting branches while ‘asleep’ for the first time
For the first time, trees have been shown to undergo physical changes at night that can be likened to sleep, or at least to day-night cycles that have been observed experimentally in smaller plants.

This Fractal Puzzle Is The Smartest Jigsaw Puzzle Out There
This Fractal Puzzle Is The Smartest Jigsaw Puzzle Out There
If you find huge puzzle pieces fitting perfectly into intricate spaces to be pleasing, this is the puzzle for you.



Self-published animation Written & Directed by Genis Rigol Alzola, Pau Anglada & Marc Torices Illustration by Marc Torices, Néstor F., Pau Anglada, Genís Rigol, Olga Capdevila, Irkus M. Zeberio, Alexis Nolla, Jorge Parras & Jose Abeijón. Animation by Genís Rígol, Pau Anglada, Jorge Parras & Marc Torices Colour Design by Olga capdevila Music by Nico Roig Clean up by Marc Torices Pau, Anglada, Genís Rigol, Brenda Moreno Gracia & Daniel Soms. Voice by Dídac Alcaraz. Sound design by Eric Arajol 3d by Pau Anglada

Hong Kong Strong

Hong Kong Strong

A deep dive into the many layers of Hong Kong. A film about the madness and beauty of this seemingly impossible city in the days leading up to Chinese New Year. And an exploration of my own Cantonese heritage. Check out Director's Commentary for behind-the-scenes info, gear, etc: Select clips available for licensing; email or visit Instagram @brandon_l_li; Facebook: Original score by Steven Richard Davis; Produced by Ansley Sawyer Drone footage by Drone footage by Mongolia: Bali:
North India: Greece: 
South India:
Las Vegas: 
 Guam: Special Thanks: Albert Li Simon Lee Kobe Lee Blake Congdon Dorcas Ho Ivy Tse Venus Tse Edwin Lee Ruby Shing Mostafa Zeineldin Featuring: Luk Chee Fu Martial Arts Federation: HK Urbex: Wing Tsun Robin: HKAPA: The Continental Restaurant: geek stuff:
 Sony A7rii
; Sony A7sii; Sony A7s; Sony A6000; 
Sony rx10ii; Beholder DS1; DJI Phantom 3; DJI Inspire X5

Band Of Horses - Casual Party

Band Of Horses - Casual Party

A music video I directed for Band Of Horses new single, "Casual Party." Sometimes an awesome band lets you be as weird as you like for their awesome song. Monsters! Cheese Puffs! Cold Cut Man!!! Director: Ben Fee Production Company: Scandinavia Produced by: Colin Shane & Angela Chen Rep: Jen Herrera/Las Bandas Cinematography: Drew Daniels Colorist: Jaime Obradovich / Company 3 Production Designer: Kat Audick Art Director: Margaux Rust Costume Design: Kat Audick More Costume Design: Lauren Wilde Hair & Makeup: Lauren Wilde AD: Tres Stamos PM: Aragorn Fenton Steadicam: Orlando Duguany First AC: Troy "Teddy" Dickerson Makeup assistant: Rebecca Abraham Makeup assistant: Alex French Creatures: Tim Hagerty Erika Zabelle Tim McKeown Thomas Blake Stephanie Griffin Caitlin Rucker Joya Mia Italiano Christi Waldon Jess Bates Jacob Gibson Michael R. Jacobs Mitch Eakins Kevin Bone Maura McDonald Matt Boman Tosca Rivola Elderly Couple: Larry Makrow Betty

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Clink, the Restaurant Inside a High Security Prison">
Clink, the Restaurant Inside a High Security Prison
The hens are free range and the chefs locked up at the Clink, a restaurant in a high-security London jail.

We Will Never Be As Excited About Anything As This Woman Is About Her Chewbacca Mask
We Will Never Be As Excited About Anything As This Woman Is About Her Chewbacca Mask
She might have trouble pronouncing the world "confiscate" but, oh man, do we love this woman.

The Wolfpack

The Wolfpack



My 3rd year graduate film.

The Arrival

The Arrival

Anna contemplates a big decision while waiting for someone in a cafe. Staring - Emily Barber Produced by Zen Design Studios Writer/ Director - Daniel Montanarini Producer - Jacob Thomas Cinematographer - Alistair Little Production Designer - Laura Castellano Astruc Costume Designer - Bronya Arciszewska Sound Editor and Dubbing Mixer - Florentin Tudor Foley Artist - John Cohen FX Editor - Ben Hensor Daniel Montanarini is represented by Forever Pictures



Hyper-Reality presents a provocative and kaleidoscopic new vision of the future, where physical and virtual realities have merged, and the city is saturated in media. If you are interested in supporting the project, sponsoring the next work or would like to find out more, please send a hello to by Keiichi Matsuda | more at



Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

How Your Gut Affects Your Mood">
How Your Gut Affects Your Mood
What’s becoming more and more clear is that the microbes in the gut are crucial for the brain and mental health.

TV Host Is A Bit Too Casual About The Massive River Wave Headed His Way
TV Host Is A Bit Too Casual About The Massive River Wave Headed His Way
Brazilian nature show host Richard Rasmussen was telling his audience about a "pororoca" — a tidal bore, a wave that travels up a river from the ocean — and only noticed just in time how large this one was.

Please Touch the Art

Please Touch the Art One day a blind man discovered a screw painting by Andrew Myers with his hands. The blind man found as much enjoyment out of the tactile elements of the work as any sighted person ever has by just looking at them. Andrew considers this moment as one of the most inspiring of his career. Which led us to a question: Why is touching artwork so taboo? Prior to the mid-1800s, tactile interaction was commonplace for visitors experiencing collections of art, but as museums of art evolved, rules forbidding touch became the norm. In some cases, these were to protect artwork that truly was not meant to be touched, but in large part these norms had nothing do with preservation and everything to do with nineteenth century politics of gender, race and class control. In light of all this, we decided to create a documentary that elevates the level of tactile arts, and gives back to the visually impaired community. It was at that point that we met George Wurtzel. George is a blind artisan and teacher working at Enchanted Hills Camp in Napa Ca. This is a 300 acre camp nestled in the red wood forest above Napa Valley. Enchanted Hills is a summer camp for the visually impaired. Here George teaches blind folks, through example, how to use all the equipment necessary to become blind artisans. Currently, George is converting an old grape crushing barn into a Tactile Art Center. The top floor of the building is his 1900 sq. ft. wood working shop. The bottom floor will be his Tactile Art gallery space where blind people can feel and sell their artwork. We fell in love with George and his mission and wanted to support his new tactile art gallery. So we worked with Andrew Myers to surprise George with a tactile portrait of himself. The first portrait he will be able to feel and recognize. Learn more about Enchanted hills here: The Academy of Music for the Blind (AMB) were kind enough to create a song for our soundtrack. AMB specifically addresses the educational, social, and physical needs of talented blind music students so that they can fully develop their unique talents and be prepared for integration into the workplace or other educational settings. To learn more about the AMB visit: To learn more about this project, visit Music Credits: Artist: Tycho, Song: A Walk Buy it in iTunes: Artist: Aphex Twin, Song: 14th Avril Buy it in iTunes:

Jake Dypka x Hollie McNish - Embarrassed

Jake Dypka x Hollie McNish - Embarrassed

British poet and spoken word artist, Hollie McNish vocalises the daily battle mothers face when nursing in public. Teaming up with filmmaker Jake Dypka they touch on the over exposure of breasts in the media versus the outraged reaction women face if they openly breastfeed. Why is titillation accepted and sustenance rejected? WATCH: FOLLOW: LIKE: SUBSCRIBE:

Jim & Helen Forever

Jim & Helen Forever

Jim & Helen Forever was a collaborative project based upon the director and writers observations into marriage and engagement. With so many friends reaching the age where marriage is talked about as the next logical step, we wanted to tackle the ideas and conflicts that someone would go through when they realize the only person on the fence about their marriage is themselves. Jim & Helen Forever is written to be a funny lighthearted comedy, that resonates with anyone who is conflicted about getting hitched. Which is to say, everyone. Production Company – My Godbrother Productions Director – Jesse Zwick Producers – Sam Ritzenberg Benjamin Lindemuth-McRobie Jed Goldstein Petr Jankular Executive Producer – Doug Jordan Writers – Sam Ritzenberg Jed Goldstein Director of Photography – Andre Lascaris Editor – Benjamin Lindemuth-McRobie Assistant Director – Brinton Bryan 2 nd Unit Director of Photography – Paul Alexander Assistant Camera – Tyler Harrison Gaffer – Even Pesses Key Grip – Stefan Silvers Production Designer – Sean Costello Make Up Artist – Natasha Chanel Costume Designer – Mathew Peridis Composer – Alec Puro Sound Editor – Natasha Roland Digital Effects – Josh Dobson Actors – Lucas Neff (David) Josh Brener (Aaron) Caitlin Fitzgerald (Tessa) Echo Kellum (Pete) Jeff Perry (Jim) Alina Bock (Natalia) Jeremy Mascia (Store Clerk) Katie Stoll (Laura) Sabrina Revelle (Ronda) Steve Voldseth (Don) Sarah Lilly (Mom)

Yeasayer - Silly Me (Official Video)

Yeasayer - Silly Me (Official Video)

'Silly Me' is taken from Yeasayer's album Amen & Goodbye, out now. A prequel to 'I Am Chemistry', follow the story here: Directed by New Media Ltd Get Amen & Goodbye now: iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: Band Store: Stream Amen & Goodbye here: Apple Music: Spotify: Subscribe to the channel:

Everything is a Remix: The Force Awakens

Everything is a Remix: The Force Awakens

Back us on Kickstarter: Back us on Patreon: Get 'This is Not a Conspiracy Theory': The remix method of copying, transforming and combining is definitely used in The Force Awakens, as well as the other works of JJ Abrams. Is remixing a weak point in The Force Awakens? Is the remix method growing stale? Have we reached the limits of remixing? The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Music Featured "Rey's Theme," John Williams: "Bunsen Burner," CUTS: "They Won't See Me," The Field: Movies & TV Featured The Force Awakens: Star Wars Episodes IV-VI: Star Wars Trilogy Episodes I-III: Web Videos and Articles Features The Force Awakens Trailer (Official) REACTION!!!, Tyrone Magnus Star Wars Force Awakens Final Trailer Reaction Megan, SawdustFilms STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Official TRAILER REACTION & REVIEW!!!, The Reel Rejects Trailer Reaction: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, Movieclips Trailers Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official) Reaction!, Superhero News "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" - Trailer Reaction!, Dillon Garland Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Reaction, ColliderVideos Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Movie Review, Chris Stuckmann Star Wars: Force Awakens Reaction, boogie2988 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review!, Screen Junkies Star Wars: The Force Awakens gets 4 out of 5 stars, CBC News Star Wars: The Force Awakens Angry Movie Review, AngryJoeShow Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie review, Jeremy Jahns Star Wars: The Force Awakens — The Verge reaction roundtable, The Verge Review: 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' is the Biggest Fan Film Ever Made Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a prime example of Hollywood’s nostalgia problem “Star Wars” and Decadence Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 5 ways the new movie copies the original film "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is a Remix of "A New Hope"...That is Both a Good and a Bad Thing 13 ways Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just a remix of A New Hope ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ succumbs to the worst parts of remix culture MORE LINKS TO COME

Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

The Changing American Diet">
The Changing American Diet
Visualizing what Americans ate on an average day, for the past several decades.

Red Hot Nickel Ball And Hydraulic Press Finally Meet In This Ultimate Face Off
Red Hot Nickel Ball And Hydraulic Press Finally Meet In This Ultimate Face Off
Two internet phenoms finally duke it out. Who shall be victorious? (Let's be real — we all know it's going to be the hydraulic press.)



An ongoing series of philosophical pills for the suffering souls of the hypermodern era. Cápsulas filosóficas para las almas enfermas de la era hipermoderna. Aprieta el botón "CC" para activar los subtítulos en español. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpt from Ned Breslin interview with Rodney Mullen, 15th April 2014. Extracto de una entrevista a Rodney Mullen realizada por Ned Breslin el 15 de Abril de 2014. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTION/ANIMATION: Antoni Sendra SKATER: Ivan Fdez de Córdoba DOP: Carlos Aparicio SOUND: Pasqual Rodrigo, Noizes ADDITIONAL ANIMATICS: Marc Guardiola, Héctor Comino MUSIC: Teletexto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: Edu Seligra, Luis B. Hernández, Jónathan Cremades, Pepe Ábalos, Pablo Bosch.

When We Were Knights

When We Were Knights

How can you express everything that you want to somebody you love, knowing that if you don't, that might be the last opportunity that you have? That is a reality that we all face, but for BASE jumpers, the risk of death sometimes results in something amazing and unexpected - love. This is the real story of a pure love between two friends in the face of risk and tragedy. Although we don’t normally publish content that is not shot 100% GoPro, Camp4 Collective Director, Anson Fogel, reached out to us to let us know that he simply could not have created this piece had it not been for the archival GoPro footage that was captured over the years. We are proud to share his beautiful story here. A GoPro / Camp4 Collective Production Directed and Edited by Anson Fogel Primary Footage by Matt Blank and Ian Flanders Produced by GoPro and Camp4 Collective Music by Keith Kenniff / Sound Mix by Jeffrey Yellen / Color by Anson Fogel Additional Footage Courtesy of: Sean Chuma, Renan Ozturk, Joey Schusler, Kevin Bennett, Donald Schulz, Mike Naddor, Dan Dupuis Also appearing: Brenden Weinstein, Matthew Kenney, Cengiz Cocak, Jill Kuzman, Domonique LaFleur, Charles Kurlinkus, Dan Dupuis "To Much Time On My Hands" by Styx, Copyright 1981 A&M REcords, Courtesy Universal Music Group All words written and spoken by Matt Blank are solely his without other authorship. For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Metronomy "Old Skool"

Metronomy "Old Skool"

Directed by Dawn Shadforth

Giraffe Soup

Giraffe Soup

first year film at calarts! music by: Watch other films made by my classmates:

Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Is Mike Hubbard the Most Corrupt Politician in America?">
Is Mike Hubbard the Most Corrupt Politician in America?
His story sounds like an only-in-Alabama joke: He runs a campaign against corruption, wins big, passes some toughest ethics laws, then gets skewered by those very laws. But the case against Mike Hubbard, the Speaker of the Alabama House, is no laughing matter.

Steph Curry Hits Five Half Court Shots In A Row As A Warm Up
Steph Curry Hits Five Half Court Shots In A Row As A Warm Up
Dear Oklahoma City Thunder: good luck dealing with Steph Curry. Sincerely, Digg.

Embrace Of The Serpent

Embrace Of The Serpent At once blistering and poetic, the ravages of colonialism cast a dark shadow over the South American landscape in EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT, the third feature by Ciro Guerra. Filmed in stunning black-and-white, SERPENT centers on Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and the last survivor of his people, and the two scientists who, over the course of 40 years, build a friendship with him. The film was inspired by the real-life journals of two explorers who traveled through the Colombian Amazon during the last century in search of the sacred and difficult-to-find psychedelic Yakruna plant.

Aotearoa - New Zealand

Aotearoa - New Zealand

We spent 3 weeks in New Zealand for our honeymoon. Of the South Island to the island from the north. 4559km trip through Christchurch, Akaroa, Lake Tekapo, Te Anau, Wanaka, Fox Glacier, Punakaiki, Kaiteriteri, Wellington, Tongariro, Taupo, Whangamata, Auckland. We found fantastic landscapes, beautiful people and lakes with amazing colors. Website : Camera : Canon 5D Mak II with Magic Lantern RAW Lens : Sigma Art 50mm f/1.4, Canon 100mm f/2.8 Drone : Dji Phantom 3 Edit & Grading : DaVinci Resolve Compositing : After Effects Music : Ben Howard - Esmerelda



Our aim was to create a piece beyond the standard performance video. We presented the artists as 3D scans and fused them with digitally created environment. The vibe of the track is intense, bit aggressive. We were trying to recreate this atmosphere as a visual experience and produce powerful imagery, where the invisible violence is transformed into personal strength. The video may seem dark at first, but this darkness is not hopeless, it’s a state of matter where one can be reborn and reclaim their mastery. We were envisioning an aftermath of a battle, some sort of weird cathartic occurrence. We decided to put the strong female characters at the front of the piece, as we thought they would be the best at translating the energy of the song and convey the message we wanted to communicate through the video. We feel that our work reflects the nature of current times in many ways, filtering everyday experiences and global issues into painting­-like scenes. STARRING Melissa Moore Kayla-Marie Gaskin PRODUCTION COMPANY: Diktator DIRECTOR: Pussykrew PRODUCER: John Curtis EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Ian Blair & Kimberly Stuckwisch DIR REP: Kim Jarrett w/ OB MGMT COMMISSIONER: Daniel Millar DOP: Kyle Beirmeister 1ST AC: Jonathan Medina GAFFER: Hannon Harrower HMU: Amy Hanlin PROD ASST: Matt Jocelyn WARDROBE PROVIDED BY LONG CLOTHING Listen to No Drama here: Download No Drama:

When A Town Runs Dry

When A Town Runs Dry

"When A Town Runs Dry" documents life in Stratford, a small town in California's Central Valley, where years of drought is threatening the livelihood of the community. Directed by Joris Debeij Produced by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee



A film by Daniel Savage Sound by Ambrose Yu More: Special Thanks to Justin Lawes. Thanks to Seth, Rebecca, Erica, Ian, Michelle, Jay, Gui, Tricia, Mom.

Senin, 16 Mei 2016

Why the source of the Amazon river remains a mystery">
Why the source of the Amazon river remains a mystery
Big rivers begin as many tiny streams, but figuring out which of those tributaries deserves to be called the source of the river is fraught with difficulties.

John Oliver Explains How Calling 911 Is Broken
John Oliver Explains How Calling 911 Is Broken
Calling 911 is the fastest way to get help to your location in an emergency. That is, if the 911 center can actually pinpoint your location — which its technology can't do in a lot of cases.

Eagle Blue

Eagle Blue

Eagle Blue lives high on a mountain top above a sleepy town below. With hungry chicks to feed she may lured in to the town by the temptation of an easy meal. Set to the music 'This is a True Heart' by Julia Holter. Director, Animator, Story, Design Will Rose Music Julia Holter Find out more about Eagle Blue here: Interview with Directors Notes about the making of the film here:



Official Selection at Locarno, New York Film Festival, Rotterdam, Mar Del Plata, FICUNAM, True/False, among others



What happens when The North Face climbers Cedar Wright and Matt Segal become absolute bumbling beginners at an obscure and adventurous air sport called paragliding? The Answer: Hilarity ensues. Follow Matt and Cedar on a perilous, beautiful, light hearted, sometimes intense journey to fly off of the highest peak in Mexico with less than a year of experience. Just because you are a beginner doesn’t mean you can’t dream big. MUSIC Blake Preston: “Undertow” Loma Hermosa: “Valle de Bravo” Mute Mornings: “Unraveled” J ose Gonzalez: “Step Outside” Pond5 Premium Beat

Shakespeare Lives in 2016: Macbeth

Shakespeare Lives in 2016: Macbeth

Directed by David Wilson Animation Director: Ian Miller Executive Producer: Paul Weston Producer: Corin Taylor Series Producer: Anne Beresford Development Producer for British Council: Roisin McLoughlin Lady Macbeth: Vicky McClure Director of Photography: Simon Chaudoir Casting: John & Ros Hubbard 1st AD: Caspar Campbell Production Manager: Beatrice Warren Production Assistant: Abi Jones Steadicam Operator: Alf Tramontin Focus Puller: Charlie England Clapper Loader: Lami Orekson DIT: Nelson Oliver Assistant Steadicam: Grant Sandy Phillips Gaffer: James Knight Electricians: Colin Gallagher & JJ Ash Sound Recordist: Thomas Hart George Art Director: Ciaran Beale Art Department Assistant: James Cross Art Department Runners: Nick Tolladay & Alannah Byrne Costume Designer: Grace Snell Hair and Makeup: Ashleene Scott Runners: Charlie Havord & Bradley Merle Drivers: Wayne Latta & Martyn Sheasby Editor: Max Windows Edit Producer: Alice Clarke Edit Company: Stitch Animators: Ian Miller, Yuri Fain & Chrissy Fellmeth Colourist: Edwin Metternich VFX Artist: Katie Rhodes Post Producer: Chris Anthony Post PA: Jazmine Mohsen Post Production Company: Framestore Composer: Julian Guidetti Music Supervisor: David Rodger Music Company: Major Tom Sound Design: Jonny Platt Producer: Lucy Ragoff Sound Post Company: WAVE Studios Titles: Bravo Charlie Mike Hotel Thanks to Arri Rental Panalux Clove London Locality Get Set Hire Michelle Jaffe James Studholme

Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

Unearthing The Secrets Of New York’s Mass Graves">
Unearthing The Secrets Of New York’s Mass Graves
Over a million people are buried in the city’s potter’s field on Hart Island. A New York Times investigation uncovers some of their stories and the failings of the system that put them there.

The Most Intense, Athletic Softball Play We've Ever Seen
The Most Intense, Athletic Softball Play We've Ever Seen
You won't see anything like this ridiculous leap in your softball beer league.

Mount Moriah - Precita

Mount Moriah - Precita

From the album How to Dance, out now on Merge Records. Directed By Fidel Ruiz-­Healy Produced By The American Standard Film Co. // CAST: M.C. Wolfe David Rysdahl Steve Siltanen Fatoumata Toure Makoyan Toure Anna­Lisa Ashman Carmen Falcon Matthew Rosvanis Oriane Rembalsky Bill Hartin John McPoyle Travis Barrett Emmett deMuzio Edward Sellner Alexander Jameson Phyllis Pastore Helton Llaven Peter Cron Samantha Hribick Zack Block CREW: Producer/Assistant Director ­- Veronica Pomilla Producer ­- Tyler Walker Cinematographer -­ Conor Murphy Production Design -­ John Arnos Assistant Camera/ DIT -­ Shaun Kim Production Coordinator -­ Mary Pomilla Driver/PA ­- Ben Levine Casting Director -­ Jeff Cummings Color ­- Phil Haley Executive Producer ­ Jordan Michael Blake Special Thanks ­ Jamie Hartranft, Lt. Sam Lobb, Jonathan Qualtere, Antonio's Pizza, and the City of Easton, PA Shot on Location in Easton, PA

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private">
Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private
Interviews reveal unwelcome advances, a shrewd reliance on ambition, and unsettling workplace conduct over decades.

Hydraulic Press Continues Its Reign Of Terror, Shatters A 1.2 Carat Diamond
Hydraulic Press Continues Its Reign Of Terror, Shatters A 1.2 Carat Diamond
Not even the strongest natural material can stand up to the onslaught of the press.

Moments of Puglia

Moments of Puglia

They don’t call Italy “Il bel paese” - “The beautiful country” - for nothing, and it’s no coincidence. For my next project I decided once again to pay homage to my homeland, a place that always leaves an impression on my heart, the southern region of Puglia. There is a list called “1,000 Places To See Before You Die”. Casting a glance over it, one will notice that Italy - and Puglia in particular - boasts an enviable number of locations. With numerous UNESCO sites, pristine beaches, and enchanting destinations, it was difficult to restrict such beauty into a 2 minute video. But here it is anyway, a small taste of what this amazing region has to offer. I’m sure you’ll add it to your own list of 1000 places to see before you die! Watch also “R O M A“: Locations: Alberobello Gargano Lecce Locorotondo Martina Franca Monopoli Valle D’Itria Ostuni Polignano a Mare Filmed and edited by Oliver Astrologo - FB: Drone Footage: Courtesy of Vito Renò - For any drone inquiry about this video please contact: Intro and outro Music: Sciamaballà - Soundtrack: A moment of Silence - Courtesy of Max LL - All music and sounds effects rights are reserved. Thanks: Simona de Carlo, Sara de Carlo, Simone Sampò, Nils Samò, Fabian McDonald and everyone who helped me create this video. Flickr album: Shoot using: Sony A7ii @ 1080 50p PP7 (Exposed in S-Log2) Lens used: Zeiss 35mm 2.8 Zeiss 55mm 1.8 Color Correction ImpulZ LUTs with some tweaks.

Princess Chelsea - Is It All OK?

Princess Chelsea - Is It All OK?

From 'The Great Cybernetic Depression' out now on Lil' Chief / Flying Nun Records. Featuring vocals from Joe Astle Directed by Simon Ward Special thanks to NZ on Air Make-Up and Hair by Robyn Holland Costuming by Lorene Harris and Penny Scott

Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

The case of the $629 Band-Aid - and what it reveals about American health care">
The case of the $629 Band-Aid - and what it reveals about American health care
Last January, Malcolm Bird took his 1-year-old daughter, Colette, to the local emergency room for a cut on her finger. Colette turned out to be completely fine, needing only a Band-Aid. A $629 Band-Aid, it turned out.

This TSA Security Line At Chicago Midway Is Basically Hell
This TSA Security Line At Chicago Midway Is Basically Hell
If we saw this ludicrously long line after bag check, we would probably just give up and go home.

Sailing A Sinking Sea

Sailing A Sinking Sea Sailing A Sinking Sea is a feature-length experimental documentary exploring the culture of the Moken people of Burma and Thailand. The Moken are a seafaring community and one of the smallest ethnic minority groups in Asia, traditionally spending eight months out of the year in thatch-roofed wooden boats. Wholly reliant upon the sea, their entire belief system revolves around water. Sailing A Sinking Sea weaves a visual and aural tapestry of Moken mythologies and present-day practices. As a viewer you will swim under the sea past fishes and mermaids, sail boats across turquoise waters, land on 13 different islands, step inside sea shanties on stilts, delve into the minds of shamans, become possessed through the worship of sea gods, dance between lovers and emerge drenched in Moken mythology. Purchase now: DER - Drag City-

Client Liaison- World Of Our Love

Client Liaison- World Of Our Love

Directors: Mike Greaney & Aaron McDonald Producers: Mike Greaney & Darcy Prendergast Art Director: Jarrod Prince Animators: Leah Clementson, James Neilson, Andrew Bowler, Aaron McDonald, Mike Greaney, Brigette Liberto Art assistant: Joel Williams Special Thanks: Adam De Cata Made by Oh Yeah Wow: Facebook: Twitter: @ohyeahwow Instagram: oh_yeah_wow Performed by Client Liaison: Facebook: Twitter: @clientliaison Instagram: @clientliaison

Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl

A short thriller/horror by Jed Hart. Funded by Creative England/BFI. Vince, a Dartmoor prison guard and father of one, comes across an abandoned kid's bicycle on an isolated stretch of moorland road. With the sun setting, he sets off in search of the missing child.

Oscar - "Good Things"

Oscar - "Good Things"

Director/Editor/Producer: Bryan Schlam Director Of Photography: Ben Carey Production Designers: Ali & Gilli Glatt Producer: Izzy Cohan Hair/Makeup/FX: Jessie Eden Colorist: Jaime O’Bradovich VFX: John Criston VFX: Garrett Alloway Production Assistant: Allison Rodgers Art PA: Debbie Kunst Art PA: Stephanie Shulman Grip: Alexander Prokos Grip: Luis Alarcon

How Does an Editor Think and Feel?

How Does an Editor Think and Feel?

For the past ten years, I’ve been editing professionally. Yet one question always stumps me: “How do you know when to cut?” And I can only answer that it’s very instinctual. On some level, I’m just thinking and feeling my way through the edit. So today, I’d like to describe that process: how does an editor think and feel? A very special thanks to David Poland for the use of DP/30 clips. And a very special thanks to Aso for the use of his music. For educational purposes only. You can donate to support the channel at Patreon: And you can follow us through Taylor’s Instagram: Taylor’s Twitter: Tony’s Twitter: Tony’s Facebook: Music: Aso - Soul Traveling (Freddie Joachim Remix) Harry James - I’ve Heard That Song Before Nat King Cole - Aquellos Ojos Verdes Aso - Jazz Intro Nujabes - Perfect Circle (Instrumental) George Benson - On Broadway (Live) Interview Clips: DP/30 Michael Kahn (2011) Michael Caine - Acting in Film (1987) DP/30 Thelma Schoonmaker (2013) DP/30 Thelma Schoonmaker (2011) BAFTA - Walter Murch on Editing (2013) Recommended Reading & Viewing: On Film Editing by Edward Dmytryk Cut to the Chase by Sam O’Steen & Bobbie O’Steen In the Blink of an Eye by Walter Murch The Conversations with Walter Murch by Michael Ondaatje

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

I Saw Trump's Tax Returns. You Should, Too.">
I Saw Trump's Tax Returns. You Should, Too.
As someone who saw Trump’s federal tax returns about a decade ago as part of a legal action in which he sued me for libel, I think there probably are some things to be learned from them.

Michael Fassbender Stars In The First 'Assassin's Creed' Movie Trailer
Michael Fassbender Stars In The First 'Assassin's Creed' Movie Trailer
The famous video game is finally hitting the big screen. From the looks of the trailer, it will be lots of angsty Fassbender jumping across rooftops as Kanye West croons out of place in the background.

Mauvais Sang

Mauvais Sang In Paris in the near future. Aging thieves Marc and Hans owe money to a tough American woman who gives them two weeks to pay. They scheme to steal and sell a new serum for a disease that's killing lovers, but they need someone with quick steady hands. They recruit Alex, a disaffected youth who's breaking up with Lise, his 16-year-old girlfriend. In the few days before the theft, Alex becomes enchanted with Anna, Marc's young mistress. They talk, they play, they sing, but she's in love with Marc. Lise hasn't given up on Alex either, and she comes to Paris on the day of the theft. There are double crosses, a daring rescue, and, for Alex, a waiting plane. Will he make it?

Robert Rushkin – The Artist

Robert Rushkin – The Artist

We did a documentary about Robert Rushkin, an artist with an outstanding body of work that we thought deserves more attention. Read more on It's Nice That Artist Website Direction, Production, Concept, Edit, Post Jonas Hegi & Julien Simshauser Builders Club / @buildersclub15 Sound Design Chris Banks, Director of Photography Tom Elliot - 1st Assistant Camera Marit de Bruijne Post Production Help Pierre Plouzeau - Runner / Behind the Scenes Angelo Wellens Music Kettenkarussell



Official music video for Kvelertak - "1985". Starring: Tomas Alf Larsen, Asbjørn Røen Halsten, Dennis Foose, Tormod Aass, Gisle Høiland, Pål Espen Mulder Kilstad, Andreas Cappelen & Linda Tveiten. Directed, Written and Edited by Fredrik S. Hana Produced by Gunhild Oddsen, GOfilm Directors Assistant: Patrick Bjørsrud Director of Photography: Christer B. Runde Gaffer: Karl Andre Bru Costumes & Make-up FX: Marius K. Lunde Set Design: AK Bjørge Grading: Anders Skjærseth Production Assistant: Steinar Kittilsen, Alonya Trach, Siw Angell-Olsen, Sofie Angell-Olsen //

Oct 23rd

Oct 23rd

This film is based on the alleged horrific events suffered by Karen Fernhill on October 23rd, 2011. After telling her story to family and doctors, she slipped into a coma. She remains asleep to this day. Directed by Paul Santana Writer and Editor: Paul Santana Director of Photography: Greg Daniels Sound: Case Chamberlain Cast Amanda Wyss as Karen Amanda Parsons as Paige Georgia McCorkle as Chelsea

Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Watch Hyperloop One's First Real-World Test">
Watch Hyperloop One's First Real-World Test
Hyperloop One is one of the companies attempting to take the hyperloop from Elon Musk's imagination to real-world application. On Wednesday, the company held the first live test of its version of the ultra-fast transportation system.

The Very Real Difference Between A Chinese-Made Bearing And A German-Made One
The Very Real Difference Between A Chinese-Made Bearing And A German-Made One
The first bearing tested is Chinese and the second is a (much more expensive) German model. Both are weapons-grade but one just can't seem to hold up.

The Emperor of Time

The Emperor of Time

The strange and sordid tale of Eadweard Muybridge, the man who accidentally invented motion pictures. The film is told from the point of view of Muybridge's abandoned son and viewed completely through a nineteenth century early cinema contraption called a mutoscope. Written & Directed by: Drew Christie Narrated by: Hugh Ross Starring: Richard Evans Music by: Spencer Thun Sound by: Eli Moore Photographed by: Drew Christie & Dane Herforth

Two Films About Loneliness

Two Films About Loneliness

A bilingual film in German and English, featuring the voices of the actor and comedian Tim Key and voiceover artist Detlef Bierstedt. Awards: Future Shorts Festival 2015 - Audience Award, Spring Program Festival Screenings: Sundance 2015, AFI Fest 2015, Aesthetica Film Festival 2015, Oberhausen 2014 (Premier Screening), 16th Fargo Film Festival, Greenhorn short Film Festival 2015, 31st International Short film Festival, Berlin 2015, Philadelphia Film Festival 2015, 15th New Hampshire Film Festival 2015, 10th Anim'est International Animation Film Festival, Bucharest 2015, MIFF Melbourne International Film Festival 2015, Montreal Stop Motion Film Festival. 2015 Full festival list at

A Tale of Two Zip Codes

A Tale of Two Zip Codes

What determines how long we live? The surprising thing to us was that adjacent communities can have a 15 year-difference in life expectancy. Your preconditioned brains might attribute this to dramatic factors like drugs and violence (ours did). But the causes are actually more sinister: heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, all of which can be linked to Chronic Stress and stem directly from economic inequality. So we are all implicated... and we hope you learn as much from this 4-minute video as we did in the 15 years it took us to make it. Thank you George Takei for lending us your voice! Original Posting - Made For The California Endowment Process Images Our Website Posting Sound Design BTS Cell Animation Passes

K Flay - FML

K Flay - FML

KFlay asked me to Direct a music video for her song FML (Fuck My Life). Or goal was to capture a sense of duality with in ones self. The ways in which the very things that destroy us can also be amazing & fun. The video premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and Toonami blocks of programing on Saturday, May 30th to an audience of 1.4 Million viewers. We follow our K through dream world where danger lives among the glitz and glamor. Our here must confront, and tame the evil that lurks inside herself. Who wins? Watch and find out.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2016

How a 15-year-old discovered an ancient city">
How a 15-year-old discovered an ancient city
William Gadoury, from Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Quebec, made the discovery by comparing star charts with satellite images.

Watch SpaceX's Latest (And Fastest) Landing From Three Different Angles
Watch SpaceX's Latest (And Fastest) Landing From Three Different Angles
This is SpaceX's second reusable rocket landing on a floating drone ship, proving that the first wasn't a fluke.



EYES WIDE OPEN (2’30’') These are just a few impressions of my trip in Bangladesh. (Dhaka-Gaibandha-Chittagong-Syhlet) I went there to shoot a documentary for the NGO Friendship who supports communities mainly in the shifting nothern river islands, known as "Chars". The documentary “Voice of Bangladesh" will coming soon ! What can I say about my trip ? In Bangladesh especially in the chars of Gaibandha, I rediscovered all the things I thought we had lost: the joy of life, the innocence, the simplicity, the human warmth, the authenticity, peace, space and freedom … or almost. It’s like I found back the human being. How did I feel during my trip? Sometimes I felt like Robinson Crusoe especially on the chars, sometimes like an adventurer, sometimes like a star making selfies with the local people, sometimes I felt like turning back in time, sometimes being on an other planet, sometimes being like in a dream, sometimes I was lost in translation and ….sometimes I missed my spaghettis. To resume, Bangladesh is a wonderful country … I have never met such franc, kind and hospital people like the Bengalis. And what great workers ! They made me often think of ants ... I saw everywhere legs, hands and fingers of men, women, young and old … but also of kids … and that put some tears in my eyes. Yes, I will never forget all these beautiful and intense moments and faces. Now I am a rich man. This is also my first experience with the Sony A7s2. Entirely filmed handheld in 4K - exported in full hd. I used mostly Sony lens 16-35mm f4 and sometimes sony 35 mm f2.8. Presets Ciné 4. Miller Luts - Hyde Park Music arranged by Rem Perry Many thanks to Rem Perry (Composer, Producer and Arranger)



starring bebar

CLUB CHEVAL - Young Rich and Radical

CLUB CHEVAL - Young Rich and Radical


Nightmare in the Morning

Nightmare in the Morning

My 3rd year film at CalArts, "Nightmare in the Morning" is a music video about the way I feel in the morning. It was an honor to work with the amazing talents who created the original song for it: Song writer: Abby Lyons Singer: Natalie Perez Music production: Daniel Markovich Sound design: Ron Cohen This film would have been impossible to make without the support of the people of Gobelins, CalArts and from back home The song from the film is available for downloading here: Check out the films of my friends here!



Nikon gave us a D810 and asked us to make a film experimenting with the camera's low light capabilities. Using 4 Nikon flashes, a 20 meter track and 84 foam board animal frames, we created ‘Nightlife' - A sequence of looped unedited photographs using a combination of different flashes and exposures. The camera EXIF data on each shot shows the settings used. Directed by Wriggles & Robins 
Producer: Chanse Fyffe
 Executive Producer: Tai Thittichai
 Post Producer: Alannah Currie 
 2D Animation: The Line
 Live Action Animation: Matt Cooper
 Camera: Simon Lakos 
Music Producer: Throwing Snow

Senin, 09 Mei 2016

Her fiance gave her heroin. She overdosed. Does that make him a murderer?">
Her fiance gave her heroin. She overdosed. Does that make him a murderer?
Prosecutors are now charging those who supplied the final dose with murder, even when that person is the deceased’s friend, lover, sibling or spouse.

This Magnetized Marble Run Is The Most Inventive Thing You'll See This Week
This Magnetized Marble Run Is The Most Inventive Thing You'll See This Week
With some wood, some marbles and some magnets, YouTuber Kaplamino built one of the smartest Rube Goldberg machines we've seen in a long time.

MEMORY presents: Program No. 1

MEMORY presents: Program No. 1

You look scary

You look scary

Sometimes we amplify our fears. Actually they re not big deals at all! We are always beaten by our own fears. The lyrics is Russian mean “This is scary. I am scared. Can I leave? This is dangerous." Thanks Luke Morin for the amazing music and beautiful singing.This is his website Thanks Ben Huff for the sound design! Watch other films made by my classmates:



A video art piece made for Standard Vision, shown at LA Live in downtown Los Angeles.

Once upon a blue moon

Once upon a blue moon

A lonely blue alien thinks he has found a new friend to play with when a strange new explorer robot lands on his planet. Winner of the best independent film in the 2015 "Festival Stopmotion Montreal." Offical selection in over 20 international film festivals - Edinburgh International Film Festival (premiere), London International Animation Festival, Brasil Stopmotion, animamundi Brasil 2015, ASFF, Varnafest, les nuits magiques, cinanima,animateka, Insciencefilmfest, Clermont Ferrand, Playfest, monstra festival, Festival Regard, Festival International du film d'Altkirch, NW animation Festival, Mont Clair filmfest, Tres Court International Film Fest, British Animation Awards, International Trick film festival (Stuttgart).

Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

Archivists of tragedy: Excavating the mystery of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple">
Archivists of tragedy: Excavating the mystery of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple
Nearly 40 years ago, more than 900 people died in a commune called Jonestown. Poring over thousands of documents, letters, and audiotapes, a husband-and-wife team try to understand why.

Skydivers Play The Realest Game Of Quidditch Possible Without Magic
Skydivers Play The Realest Game Of Quidditch Possible Without Magic
A Colombian skydiving team finally figured out the best way for muggles to play Quidditch. Apparently all we have to do is jump out of an airplane.

Soccer Worship

Soccer Worship

Animation by Case Jernigan for Bleacher Report, Juventus FC, and more. Song: Pure Oxygen (Part 1) by Mike B. Fort

My Baby You'll Be

My Baby You'll Be

An open letter to Mom. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be." -Robert Munsch Film by Charles Frank Special thanks to... Henry Busby Andrew Hutcheson David Brickel Nico Mom

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies">
The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies
For years Donald Heathfield, Tracey Foley and their two children lived the American dream. Then an FBI raid revealed the truth: they were agents of Putin’s Russia. Their sons tell their story.

Some Beautiful, Insane Person Built A Near-Perfect Batmobile
Some Beautiful, Insane Person Built A Near-Perfect Batmobile
Made from a chassis of a Lamborghini Gallardo and a lot of custom carbon fiber body panels, Team Galag's Batmobile is the real deal. What's even better is you could possible see it, in person, while it competes in the Gumball 3000 rally between Dublin and Bucharest.

Oliver Heldens & Chocolate Puma - Space Sheep (Official Music Video)

Oliver Heldens & Chocolate Puma - Space Sheep (Official Music Video)

A sheep in the herd is getting fed up with the sheep life. When he eats a glowing piece of grass he mutates and decides to go to outer space to make a plan of world domination! By: UBERcut & Animate The World



'Dead Ahead' is a postcard animation to the world of the horror movie genre. Our intrepid travellers head out into the wilderness on their road trip only to find one nightmare scenario after the other. With each step forward a new monster emerges paying homage to such classics as Friday the 13th, Jaws and Pet sematary.

Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

The Fort McMurray Wildfire Continues To Burn — Here's What's Going On">
The Fort McMurray Wildfire Continues To Burn — Here's What's Going On
​What started as a manageable brush fire outside of the city of Fort McMurray now threatens the center of the Canadian oil sands. How did this fire start and what caused it to spread so quickly? Here's what to read to make sense of it all.

SpaceX Just Landed Another Rocket On An Ocean Barge
SpaceX Just Landed Another Rocket On An Ocean Barge
SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket delivered a communications satellite to space last night — and then successfully completed its second straight landing on a drone barge. Everything's coming up Musk.

The Last Flight To Agadir - Harrison Roach in Morocco

The Last Flight To Agadir - Harrison Roach in Morocco

Under the unforgiving cliff faces lay peeling after another. Unridden walls, pushed and thrown by a howling offshore and shadowed by a dry desert landscape. Created by powerful, Atlantic ocean ground swells these walls track towards land, becoming intense and perfect by the time they reach the western coastline. The Last Flight to Agadir is a SurfStitch short film, directed and shot by Andrew Gough featuring surfer Harrison Roach chasing a far fetched but much dreamt about swell in Northern Africa. Presented by - SurfStitch & Deus Ex Machina Cinematography & Edit - Andrew Gough Colourist - Mark Desiatov Soundtrack - Wish Someone Would Care by Irma Thomas Narration - Boilers Ahmed Accomodation - Paradise Plague -