Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

This Minute-Long Film Illustrates How Grids And The Globe Barely Get Along

This Minute-Long Film Illustrates How Grids And The Globe Barely Get Along
"Grid corrections" are where the roads that traverse gridded-out land plots have to twist in order to correct for our spherical planet. Here, Gerco de Ruijter uses aerial photography to reveal these deviations.

How America is Transforming Islam

How America is Transforming Islam
Being young and Muslim in the US means navigating multiple identities. Nothing shows that more than falling in love.

My Turtle Dove

My Turtle Dove

A patriotic film celebrating diversity and tolerance in modern day Britain. Our love letter. - Directing debut by Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen. - Directors: Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen Director of Photography: Francis Lane Music: TCTS Words: Ashica Stephen Narrator: Kyle Rowe Starring: Eleanor Mukabi, Deepica Stephen, Christian Gordine, Frank Kennington Producers: Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen Editors: Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen Production Assistant: Tara Cantley Sound Engineer: Adam Kaye Post Production: Time Based Arts Colourist: Myles Bevan VFX supervisor: Mike Aveling VFX Artists: Ralph Briscoe, Linda Cieniawska Post Producer: Jo Gutteridge Sponsors: 20.20, Time Based Arts - Read about the film: http://ift.tt/2Er7yFp

Night Shift

Night Shift

Salote, an airport cleaner starts another long night shift. She keeps her head down, does her job and gleans her survival from what others leave behind. No one would usually spare her a second glance.

Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

Here's All The News That Defined 2017

Here's All The News That Defined 2017
The best thing about 2017 is that it is nearly over. Here are a few of the news events that made this year especially tumultuous (and occasionally good).

How The Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks And Talk Of Political Dirt

How The Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks And Talk Of Political Dirt
During a night of heavy drinking at an upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos made a startling revelation to Australia's top diplomat in Britain: Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

What is Life?

What is Life?

How Russia Hacked America—And Why It Will Happen Again

How Russia Hacked America—And Why It Will Happen Again

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russian hackers attacked the U.S. on two fronts: the psychological and the technical. Hackers used classic propaganda techniques to influence American voters, bought thousands of social media ads to propagate fake news, and broke into Democratic party email servers to steal information. And it won't be the last time. Russian-backed psychological cyber warfare will only get better, and its methods more sophisticated.

Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

Driver Speeds Out Of Bank Drive-Through, Hits Embankment, Flies Over Another Car

Driver Speeds Out Of Bank Drive-Through, Hits Embankment, Flies Over Another Car
We have no idea what's going on here and neither does the guy who filmed it, who can only offer a "I fuckin' don't believe it."

The Most Expensive Mile of Subway Track on Earth

The Most Expensive Mile of Subway Track on Earth
How excessive staffing, little competition, generous contracts and archaic rules dramatically inflate capital costs for transit in New York.

Now That I've Found You

Now That I've Found You

Made as a companion piece to Martin Garrix's 2015 music video, Now That I've Found You is a tone poem about a character's journey through loneliness and finding growth in solitude. It looks at the positive nature of loss, and the independence and freedom that can come from having all expectations for the future torn apart.

GALAXIES Vol. II: wonders of the winter night skies - 4K

GALAXIES Vol. II: wonders of the winter night skies - 4K

As the days shorten and the darkness progressively eats away the light, an amazing transformation happens in the northern hemisphere skies. A lot of astronomers and stargazers prefer summertime to look up at the stars, probably because conditions are better and the brightest part of our own galaxy, the milky way is more visible, even with the naked eye. Although fainter, the ‘winter’ part of the milky way and the rest of the winter sky harbor countless unsuspected gems, if one knows how to find and capture them! 

 In the late Fall, you can still get a glimpse at the bright core of our galaxy sink down under the horizon just after sunset, along with its dark hydrogen gas lanes, Lagoon and trifid nebulae, and Saturn. Later, you can catch Scutum (shield constellation) and its dark nebulosity set in the south west/west. In the movie, this part is visible in many scenes but my favorite one is by far as it sets on La Palma shores behind a thunderstorm accompanied by red sprites, airglow and zodiacal lights.Then, take a peek at one of my favorite areas of the winter sky: the Swan constellation. I presented it to you (also on the cover), so that you can see it from different perspectives, but the best is probably at a narrower angle to show the beautiful magenta colors of the H-alpha emission nebulae (North-American, Pelican, Sadr region or IC 1396). I also included a scene where the ‘Summer Triangle’ of Cygnus (formed by Deneb, Sadr, Delta Cygni, and Gienah) is photobombed by an overhead aurora borealis. Continuing along the winter milky way, I included a shot of the Heart and Soul nebula. Rising on the other side of the hemisphere, we are now looking at the outer edge of our galaxy, where very little light comes from fewer stars, nebulae and dark clouds (in comparison to the core!). I wanted to show you a very novel scene combining the hot Pleiades stars reflecting their blue light onto passing gasses and the California nebula glowing blood red! The next area I want to emphasize is winter’s most emblematic: Orion. I wanted to maximize the different colors and brightness this constellation has to offer while shooting it in a series of single shots: the orange of Betelgeuse and the blue of Rigel, the gigantic red-glowing Barnard’s loop, the inevitable shell-like Orion nebula along with the running man nebula, the horse-head nebula, the flame nebula, Lambda Orionis nebula… Further away from the winter milky way doesn’t mean dull at all, au contraire! Look at the magnificent Andromeda galaxy (M31), the size of 6 full moons- rise above the tree line! What about the iconic Big Dipper being photobombed by some pillars of Icelandic and Canadian aurora borealis? What about these iridescent marbles at the very start of the video? Those are twinkling Sirius, Capella (bottom left) and Vega (upper right) emphasized by the real-time out-of-focus setting to reveal the hypnotic shift in light and colors of these twinkling stars created by our own atmosphere! You will probably miss a lot of night sky events if you only watch the video once! Don’t blink, you might miss a lot of meteors (Perseids, Orionids, Draconids, Leonids…), iridium flares, low-orbit satellites, red sprites. What about those satellites that seem to ‘follow’ each other in some deep-sky scenes? Those are geosynchronous satellites normally hovering over a fixed point of the Earth, but the motion of the star tracker allows them to move whereas the sky is now immobile. I am sure professionals and amateurs will spot many more features, all you have to do is sit back and gaze! 

The goal of this series of astro-lapses ‘Galaxies’ and especially this second opus was a way for me to push the limits of single astrophotography. However beautiful and numerous they are, wide-angle shots of the milky way moving against a foreground became less interesting to me as I got to shoot more and more astro-timelapses. I became more interested in exploring the possibilities that modern lenses, sensors and techniques could give, so I started using medium-format and astromodfication to take advantage of a wider light spectrum and show the red colors of H-alpha emission nebulae that are so ubiquitous in the winter part of the sky. I also wanted to improve the quality of the shots, so I used a square light pollution filter for shots at more than 50mm (Lonely Speck’s Pure Night LP filter), and a star tracker for some of the scenes to increase sharpness and details (Vixen Polarie). It was very important for me to prove that deep-sky time-lapses can be very interesting and successful, whether they hold a foreground or not, because so many things can be happening the sky (airglow, meteors, satellites, haze giving a temporary glow to the stars…). All shots have been recorded over the past year and in different countries (France, Switzerland, Spain, Iceland, Denmark and Canada). I will gladly give more details upon request. Thanks a lot for watching!

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Nobody Is Enjoying Pennsylvania's Record Snow Fall As Much As These Dogs

Nobody Is Enjoying Pennsylvania's Record Snow Fall As Much As These Dogs
"Now, THIS feels like Christmas!"

World's Wealthiest Became $1 Trillion Richer in 2017

World's Wealthiest Became $1 Trillion Richer in 2017
The richest people on earth became $1 trillion richer in 2017, more than four times last year’s gain, as stock markets shrugged off economic, social and political divisions to reach record highs.

The Mess

The Mess

Directed by Dorothy Allen-Pickard Writer / Performer: Ellice Stevens As Ellice gets low, her room gets messy - she never sees it coming, but it always happens. There seems to be no way to break out of the endless highs or lows that make up bipolar, or even to pick up her clothes up off the floor.

TREE9 - Ma Ydoum Hal (2017)

TREE9 - Ma Ydoum Hal (2017)

"Ma Ydoum Hal" fait partie de "Wra hdoud al saed", premier EP 5 titres du groupe TREE9 disponible sur Bandcamp : http://ift.tt/2Bzp3Wb // Musique : TREE9 - Nébil Mannai, Mathieu Schmitt, Tanguy Jouanjan et Tarek Maaroufi Instagram : http://ift.tt/2zhQTR6 // Ingénieur du son : Thomas Lascoux // Réalisation : Hugo de Faucompret - Clip en animation 2D, 100% autoproduit Vimeo : https://vimeo.com/hudf - Tumblr : http://ift.tt/2BA1IUB Enjoy !

Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

A Tech Pioneer’s Final, Unexpected Act

A Tech Pioneer’s Final, Unexpected Act
Upon receiving a diagnosis of brain cancer, Eric Sun set out to achieve some lifelong musical goals.

'Portlandia' Is Back With An Absolutely Hilarious Parody Of True Crime Podcasts

'Portlandia' Is Back With An Absolutely Hilarious Parody Of True Crime Podcasts
"It's only been three hours since the body was discovered, but already this case is being badly bungled."

The Defector | by Scott Mannion

The Defector | by Scott Mannion

The Cold War's greatest unsolved mystery: in 1967 Prime Minister Holt disappeared without a trace. His body was never found. Find out what really happened, and witness his last days in office through this tense conspiracy thriller. Enjoy, my friends -Scott



In 1996, an urban legend was born when the Can-View Drive-In was hit by a tornado during a screening of the movie Twister. The story spread throughout town and the unbelievable event was covered by national media. But what's most amazing is ... it might not have happened. "TWISTED" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere! Read more about it here: http://ift.tt/2l770wl

Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins for Your Body

Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins for Your Body
The human body makes tens of thousands of cellular proteins, each for a particular task. Now researchers have learned to create custom versions not found in nature.

This Mom's Reaction To Seeing Her Son After Two Years Away Is Truly Priceless

This Mom's Reaction To Seeing Her Son After Two Years Away Is Truly Priceless
He has been stationed in Japan and finally found a way to make it home this holiday season.



A short horror film visualizing the experience of a sleep paralysis. Directed by John Boisen & Björn Fävremark With Sofia Westberg, Maria Milovac, Rickard Sjöberg IMDb: http://ift.tt/2BTk8zx Film portfolio: http://ift.tt/2sHBUzZ Produced by Judith Katzeff DOP Hans Johansson Gaffer Luisa Fanciullacci FAD Philip Esse Make-up Sofia Bothén Wilks Special effects make-up Anders Muammar Costume designer Pernilla Sandström Visual effects Jonas Gramming / Tussilago Concept art Oscar Bodin Casting Madeleine Edling Sound mix Auditory Soundtrack by Abdulla Rashim Part of The Swedish Film Institute's “It's Alive” A co-production with Film Väst www.isthisit.se © Is This It AB 2016-2017

Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Alex Honnold

Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Alex Honnold

Alex Honnold gets animated about life, death, climbing and the elusive El Cap mouse people.

Senin, 25 Desember 2017

We Left You Some Presents

We Left You Some Presents
The Digg editors needed a day off, so we left you our favorite videos of the year (for better or for worse) gift-wrapped below. Beware the coal.



A skateboard project by Will Dias written and directed by Filipe Zapelini http://ift.tt/2iYctUN The crowd is his element, as the air is that of birds and water of fishes. His passion and his profession are to become one flesh with the crowd. [...] To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world—impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito." (Charles Baudelaire). This condition allowed Will to walk the streets with no apparent purpose, but secretly aware of the history of the places where he passed and the possibility of aesthetic adventures that every detail of the city - his architecture - represents. In the era of Liquid Modernity, Will moves over his skating across the metropolis like a fish in a river, ignoring divisions and barriers, taking forms, occupying spaces, diluting certainties, beliefs and practices. "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is near to hear, does it make any noise?" This is a fundamental question for a philosophical and mental experiment that raises doubts about observation and knowledge of reality. If Will was not realized this work would exist? It is in this context that Filipe Zapelini becomes essential - without his gaze "the essence of this reality would not have been perceived by reason." by Francis Bacon. CREDITS Starring: Will Dias Director: Filipe Zapelini Cinematographer: Mika Altskan Photographer: Ricardo Napoli Illustration and Animation: Guilherme Arduin and Marcello Akira Motion Graphics: Rafa Cézar Edit: Filipe Zapelini Colored: Sid Pires Curator: Francis Bacon Producer: Jacob Gottlieb Soundtrack: Fantasia, 1940 and Zimbo Trio, 1964 Sound Design: Thiago Gautério SPECIAL THANKS C.J Ahlgren Fernando Branco Francis Bacon Gabriel Honzik Guilherme Krolow Jacob Gottlieb Juliana Vargas Lennon Vallinas Licia Arosteguy Marcello Akira Mika Altskan Rafa Cézar Raul Carrasco Ricardo Napoli Rodrigo Pires Santa Transmedia Sommwhere Gallery



To optimize your experience,you can use headset and light free environment with fullscreen resolution. Superposition is an experimental short film. “Superposition" is actually the “quantum theory that describes a challenging concept about the nature and behavior of matter and forces at the sub-atomic level. The principle of superposition claims that while we do not know what the state of any object is, it is actually in all possible states simultaneously, as long as we don't look to check. It is the measurement itself that causes the object to be limited to a single possibility”. In the film, the character desires to break that possibility, she experienced it infinitely but the chances of her breaking single possibility are equal to herself. Every time she is born, she becomes conscious all over again and she doesn’t even know who she is and what she has to do. She is part of the environment but she just doesn’t want to be. She lives in pure white and just wants to live in a little bit of grey. However, if you live in a world where the answers are obvious, a little bit of grey can change the whole picture. One day when you look for the place you last put your key, the universe might collapse until you find it. DIRECTOR / DESIGNER - Enes Özenbaş MUSİC - Rafael Anton Irisarri - A Fragile Geography - Empire Systems

Minggu, 24 Desember 2017

‘The Russia Story’

‘The Russia Story’
How the year's biggest story was encountered in 2017 by rabid Democrats, recalcitrant Republicans, and everyone else on the internet.

Safari Guide Stares Down Charging Elephant, Stops It In Its Tracks

Safari Guide Stares Down Charging Elephant, Stops It In Its Tracks
Alan McSmith has been doing his job for 30 years, and apparently no longer fears anything.

Santa Is a Psychedelic Mushroom

Santa Is a Psychedelic Mushroom

It’s time to embrace the shamanistic side of Christmas. By Matthew Salton. Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/2DvuaEa

He's Watching

He's Watching

Meet April Skut. It's almost Christmas, mom and dad are off to a party, she's gonna have the most fun ever. Any resemblance to anything is (100 emoji) parody. Protected by the first amendment. Mhmmm. Love you lots, big mouse! Everybody else, too. Happy holidays!

Sabtu, 23 Desember 2017



Beatrice racconta la storia della campionessa di scherma Bebe Vio. Beatrice Vio tira di scherma da quando aveva cinque anni; allora lo faceva stando in piedi, e adesso lo fa da seduta. All’età di dodici anni le sono stati amputati tutti gli arti a causa della meningite, ma ciò non l’ha fermata nel continuare a praticare lo sport che ama diventando campionessa del mondo a soli diciannove anni. Con il sostegno e la determinazione della sua famiglia, ha sfidato ogni limitazione e aspettativa. Beatrice è portavoce e testimonial di campagne di vaccinazione contro la meningite e fondatrice di Art4Sport, un'associazione che offre ai bambini che hanno subìto amputazioni le protesi necessarie per poter continuare a fare sport. Director: Lorena Alvarado Screenwriting: Karen Oetling Production: Chiara Codognotto Cappuzzo DOP: Shek Po Kwan Edit: Karen Oetling & Lorena Alvarado Camera: Mattia Mura Color Grading: Kendra Sanders Sound Design & Music: Antti L.S. Ikonen Voice over recording: Lorenzo Vio Voice over editor: Elda Olivieri In collaborazione con: Comitato Italiano Paralimpico Veneto art4sport ONLUS Arte Ortopedica Hotel LA Residence & Idrokinesis ​ Un ringraziamento a: Alessandro Favaron, Laura Sans, Giorgia De Luca, Juan Pablo R. Valadez, Ena Alvarado, Luca Dalmastri, Famiglia Vio

Ed Sheeran Breaks Down How 'Shape Of You,' The Most-Streamed Track Of 2017, Was Created

Ed Sheeran Breaks Down How 'Shape Of You,' The Most-Streamed Track Of 2017, Was Created
"On the original version, it doesn't actually say 'I'm in love with the shape of you.'"

SpaceX Launches Rocket Into Night Sky, Everyone Thinks It's Aliens

SpaceX Launches Rocket Into Night Sky, Everyone Thinks It's Aliens
"This shit better be a rocket, or we're all gonna die."

"Hi, It's Your Mother"- Stop Motion Short

"Hi, It's Your Mother"- Stop Motion Short

A stop-motion short by Daniel Sterlin-Altman. "Hilarious and refreshing" - The Concordian "not unlike David Lynch's 'Blue Velvet'" - Ars Independent Festival Mum's calling, and Lisa isn't pleased. "Hi, It's Your Mother" is a shocking tragi-comedic stop motion short about family and blood(y) ties. (French subtitled version: http://ift.tt/2zXOAVe) Facebook page: http://ift.tt/2j9C6ln Website: http://ift.tt/2zWrlL7 Awards: *Winner* Grand Jury Prize- TAIS Animation Showcase, 2017, Canada *Winner* Prix du public/ Audience Award Best Short Film, Image+nation LGBT Festival du Film Montreal-2016 *Winner* Best Academic Film, Festival Stop Motion Montreal- 2016 *The Concordia University Stop Motion Award, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema- 2016 *Best Screenwriting Award, Concordia Film Festival- 2016 *Nomination for Best Production Design Award, Concordia Film Festival- 2016 Select Screenings (Full list: http://ift.tt/2j7RxKF) Official Selection- Sardinia Queer Short Film Festival, 2017, Italy Official Selection- TWIST: Seattle Queer Film Festival, 2017, USA Official Selection- Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival, 2017, USA Official Selection- Stuff MX Film Festival, 2017, Mexico Official Selection- Linoleum International Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival, 2017, Ukraine Official Selection- Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film Festival, 2017, Canada Official Selection- NewFest, 2017, USA Official Selection- Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival, 2017, Switzerland Official Selection- QUEER-STREIFEN, 2017, Germany Official Selection- Queer Film Festival MEZIPATRA, 2017 Official Selection- Cinema Queer Intl Film Festival Stockholm, 2017, Sweden Official Selection- Korea Queer Film Festival, 2017, South Korea Official Selection- TAIS Animation Showcase, 2017, ON Canada Official Selection- Fantasia Film Fest, 2017, QC Canada Official Selection- Nonplussed Fest, 2017, USA Official Selection- Vienna Independent Shorts, 2017, Austria Special Screening- Annecy Animation Festival, 2017, France Official Selection- Connecticut LGBT Film Festival, 2017, USA Official Selection- Outfest Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival, 2017, USA Official Selection- OUT HERE NOW: The Kansas City LGBT Film Festival, 2017, USA Official Selection- Fest Anca International Animation Festival, 2017, Slovakia Official Selection- Athens Animest, 2017, Greece Official Selection- The Torino LGBTQI Film Festival, 2017, Italy Official Selection- The Norwegian Short Film Festival, 2017, Norway Official Selection- Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, 2017, Germany Official Selection- Anima Brussels, 2017, Belgium Official Selection- Image+Nation Film Festival, 2016, QC Canada Official Selection- Les Sommets du cinema d'animation, 2016, QC Canada Official Selection- UK Jewish Film Festival, 2016, UK Official Selection- LesGaisCineMad Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Madrid, 2016, Spain Official Selection- International Animated Film Festival KROK, 2016, Russia Official Selection- Mix Copenhagen LGBT Film Festival, 2016, Denmark Official Selection- Festival Stop Motion Montreal. 2016, Canada- WINNER of Best Academic Film Award Official Selection- Ottawa International Animation Festival, 2016, Canada Official Selection- Ars Independent Festival, 2016, Poland Official Selection- "Midnight Madness" Guanajuato International Film Festival, 2016, Mexico Official Selection- Pinx Festival, 2016, Belgium Press: http://ift.tt/2gEOcBn http://ift.tt/2zzhUDu http://ift.tt/2zWrmPb http://ift.tt/2kN81JQ Voiced by Naomi L., Elie Waitzer Sound Design by Sylvain Paradis Music Composition by Joshua Bucchi Music mix by Rebekah Wineman Sound mix by Matthew Lederman Supervised by Shira Avni ©Daniel Sterlin-Altman 2016 Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema- Concordia University Supported by: The Fine Arts Student Alliance (FASA) Concordia Council for Student Life (CCSL)

Jumat, 22 Desember 2017

Bitcoin Is A Super Safe, Completely Not Insane Thing To Invest Your Money In

Bitcoin Is A Super Safe, Completely Not Insane Thing To Invest Your Money In
Last night on "Late Night," Seth Meyers shared this commercial he saw that explains what Bitcoin is and how it works.

US Ambassador To The Netherlands Calls Reporter's Question 'Fake News,' Then Claims He Never Said 'Fake News' When Reporter Proves Him Wrong

US Ambassador To The Netherlands Calls Reporter's Question 'Fake News,' Then Claims He Never Said 'Fake News' When Reporter Proves Him Wrong
Pete Hoekstra is a former congressman and the current US ambassador to the Netherlands, and he is struggling with the concept of "fake news."

Winter's Watch

Winter's Watch

Located ten miles off the coast of mainland New England, the Oceanic Hotel is the grand, yet far-from-modern home to the thousands of guests who brave the choppy seas to visit during the warmer spring and summer months. Off-season, the hotel and the 43-acre Star Island on which it sits is home to one woman – its winter caretaker who braves the colder, darker months of inclement weather by embracing the solitude and finding inspiration, and life, in what would otherwise be considered the ‘bones’ of winter. 2017 Festivals: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Full Frame Documentary Film Festival MountainFilm AFI Docs Palms Springs International ShortFest Sidewalk Film Festival DocUtah Nevada City Film Festival Camden International Film Festival Big Eddy Film Festival Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival New Hampshire Film Festival (Winner, NH Film of the Year Award) Denver Film Festival Glimmerglass Film Days DOC NYC (Jury Special Mention)



Projection video mapping made for “Fête des Lumières de Lyon” - December 7, 8, 9, 2017. What you are basically ; one life, one experience and so many horizons lived in this life. LIVING ROOMS — the short living story of a primitive shape Director / Animator / 3D : Melvin Le Riboter Sound designer / Music supervisor : Zing Audio Special thanks to Zing Audio for his amazing work on the sound! Find here the projected version : soon More details : http://ift.tt/2DfknBZ



An unemployed young woman living in China finds a new opportunity. ***PLEASE WATCH WITH HEADPHONES*** Written & Directed by Corrie Chen Produced by Bethany Bruce Director of Photography Michael Latham Editor Patrick McCabe Sound Design Lachlan Harris

Kamis, 21 Desember 2017

Guy Shows Off A Seriously Cool Hidden Compartment Table

Guy Shows Off A Seriously Cool Hidden Compartment Table
If you're going to go with a magic theme, go all the way and make yourself a magnetic wand.

Long Island Iced Tea Soars 500% After Changing Its Name to Long Blockchain

Long Island Iced Tea Soars 500% After Changing Its Name to Long Blockchain
Long Island Iced Corp. shares rose six-fold after rebranding itself Long Blockchain Corp.

The Grand Tour to Florence. Italy Timelapse & Hyperlapse

The Grand Tour to Florence. Italy Timelapse & Hyperlapse

Florence is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world with its overflow of palaces, churches and museums filled with masterful paintings and sculptures. Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: hyperlapsepro@gmail.com http://ift.tt/2qgWAtS http://ift.tt/2qh0CCB http://ift.tt/2nAze0W Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifepuwAMoqQ Music: Uplift by SkyProductions Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, 5ds Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Samyang 8 mm 3.5 Canon 17-55 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon TS-E 17 mm 4L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse Tuscan cuisine, incredible boutique shopping, and mesmerizing views at every turn, the city of Florence is nothing short of spectacular. Known worldwide as the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence embodies the spirit of ancient Italy and has managed to preserve it for nearly 700 years. With over 350,000 who call the city home, and nearly 1.5 million who reside in its surrounding metropolitan area, Florence skillfully fuses the past with the present, creating a unique time capsule of ancient aesthetics housed within a hustling, bustling world of modern day Italy. Containing a wealth of preserved artistic and architectural masterpieces, the city is home to almost one-third of the world’s artistic treasures, according to UNESCO, an organization which designates world heritage sites to preserve the world’s most important cultural locations and artifacts. With a near countless number of art galleries and over 45 museums – including the Uffizi gallery, the world’s best collection of Italian Renaissance art, and the Galleria dell'Accademia, home to the legendary statue of David – it is no wonder why the city captures the hearts and imaginations of all who visit. From the ancient churches and stunning buildings that line the city streets to the priceless artistic masterpieces created by Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Giotto housed within Florence’s galleries, the city is bursting with art and culture. Florence’s influence can be felt in more than just the world of art. The capital of the region of Tuscany, Florence is the birthplace of the Italian language. It was famed Italian author Dante Alighieri and other writers such as Boccaccio and Petrarca who were the first to begin writing in a language other than Latin. Florence was also the first city in all of Europe to have paved streets. With its rich history and incomparable influence on modern Italian life, Florence certainly changed the way that most view Italy. Una città che ha mantenuto inalterato il proprio fascino e lo splendore del passato. Così si presenta Firenze, capoluogo della Toscana. Una città incantevole che non smette mai di sorprendere, con i suoi capolavori d’arte, i marmi colorati delle chiese e le architetture che ne rievocano il fasto e il ruolo svolto nello sviluppo della cultura e dell’arte rinascimentale. Cuore pulsante di Firenze è Piazza del Duomo, con il complesso monumentale della Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore - sormontato dalla maestosa cupola del Brunelleschi -, il Battistero di San Giovanni - magnifico esempio di romanico fiorentino -, il Campanile di Giotto - un capolavoro di architettura gotica fiorentina. Alle spalle del Duomo sorge il Museo dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, dove è possibile ammirare una preziosa raccolta di opere provenienti dalla Cattedrale, dal Battistero e dal Campanile. Piazza della Signoria rappresenta il polo storico della vita civile e ospita la trecentesca Loggia dei Lanzi, la Fontana di Nettuno e il Palazzo della Signoria o Palazzo Vecchio, uno dei monumenti-simbolo della città, davanti al quale sorgono alcune famose statue tra cui una copia del famoso David di Michelangelo. Accanto alla piazza vi è la maestosa Galleria degli Uffizi, sede di uno dei musei più importanti del mondo, che include opere di Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e molti altri grandi artisti. Elemento architettonico di particolare rilievo della Galleria è il Corridoio Vasariano progettato dal Vasari alla metà del Cinquecento che collega la struttura con Palazzo Vecchio e con Palazzo Pitti.

The Space Explorers

The Space Explorers

Directed by James Noellert Produced by Gunner Illustration: James Noellert Character Animation: Rachel Reid, Ryan Boyes, James Noellert, Josh Parker Animation & Compositing: Nick Forshee, Ian Sigmon, Marcus Bakke, John Hughes, Austin Robert Project Coordinator: Brandon Delis Music & Sound: David Kamp http://studiokamp.com/

Seeking Nirvana 2.4 - Men Who Stare At Sheep

Seeking Nirvana 2.4 - Men Who Stare At Sheep

This unique islands’ offerings leave nothing to be desired. Never far from the mountains, nor far from the sea… from the rivers, the forest, civilization or… from getting lost. Follow the journey from the high reaches of New Zealand's Southern Alps to the cold water surf breaks that pound the intricate coastlines. @seeking.nirvana Featuring: Mike Henitiuk ~ @mikeheni Joe Schuster ~ @joe_schuster Matt Margetts ~ @mattmargetts Riley Leboe ~ @rileyleboe Locations: New Zealand Supported By: EDGEtv - @edgetvnetwork MEC - @mec Tyrolia - @tyroliabindings Norrona - @norrona Toyota New Zealand - @toyota-nz Temple Basin - @templebasinnz Editing, Sound and Colour: Leigh Powis Cinematography: Jamie Tanner Aerial Cinematography: Jamie Tanner Narration: Colby James West Jay Henitiuk

Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

The High School Student's Simple Explanation Of Relativity Will Boggle Your Mind

The High School Student's Simple Explanation Of Relativity Will Boggle Your Mind
18-year-old Hillary Diane Andale from the Philippines deservedly won a $250,000 college scholarship for this video.

Did Climate Change Kill a Polar Bear?

Did Climate Change Kill a Polar Bear?
Probably not this time. Eva Holland looks at how a disturbing wildlife image went viral — generating anguish, anger, and confusion about the undeniably warming Arctic.

KORUA Shapes - YEARNING FOR TURNING Vol. 6 - Carve Oddity

KORUA Shapes - YEARNING FOR TURNING Vol. 6 - Carve Oddity

Carve Oddity is a collection of favourite moments from the 16/17 season – including, but not limited to – riding deep powder in the forests of Japan, going on weekend mini-missions to find new zones at tiny Swiss resorts, slashing chunky slush in the halfpipe and wave-park up in LAAX, and finding surprisingly good powder in the Engadin valley late in the season. Despite difficult snow conditions we managed to have a whole lot of fun doing what we enjoy most: simply snowboarding. Featuring: Nicholas Wolken, James Niederberger, Atsufumi Mizuni, Thomas Stöckli, Aaron Schwartz, Raphael Rocha, Stephan Maurer and Luca Crivelli Filmed by: Stephan Maurer, Aaron Schwartz and Thomas Stöckli Editing by: Stephan Maurer Graphics: Aaron Schwartz Music Supervisor: Florent De Maria / MIDNIGHT Music Music: "Major Tom (Völlig Losgelöst) Director's Cut" (Pierre Schilling) © Peer Musikverlag GmbH / Ⓟ Major Ton Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von / courtesy of Peer Musikverlag GmbH und Peer-Southern Productions GmbH http://ift.tt/2z5hxw9 http://ift.tt/2BnEEYV www.koruashapes.com

Mark Kozelek and Sean Yeaton - "The Reasons I Love You" (Official Music Video)

Mark Kozelek and Sean Yeaton - "The Reasons I Love You" (Official Music Video)

Mark Kozelek and Sean Yeaton - "The Reasons I Love You" (Official Music Video) Design and Animation: Luke Gibbs - www.lukegibbs.com iTunes: http://ift.tt/2ANVs7O Caldo Verde Records: http://ift.tt/vZPy8k



Snow, sweat, testosterone and the sound of chainsaws. Every four years, over a period of three months in winter, wood is being cut in a steep mountain high above Lake Ägeri and prepared for log rafting. Neither economic change nor technology has been able to replace this traditional and sustainable craft in Switzerland. "INS HOLZ (IN THE WOODS)" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere! Read more about it here: http://ift.tt/2Bm8ywG

Selasa, 19 Desember 2017

The Heights

The Heights

A promising musical duo tries to avoid a meltdown before the biggest show of their career. The Heights, Ryan’s first narrative short, serves as a proof of concept for a feature film written by Ryan, Dan Steele, and Bradley Jackson set to go into production in 2018. SOTW Review: http://ift.tt/2AOwjMs Story & Heart made a BTS series and class for The Heights. If you'd like to lean more go here: https://www.bit.ly/onsetwithbooth

Women Used to Burn to Death in Their Dresses Kind of All the Time

Women Used to Burn to Death in Their Dresses Kind of All the Time
No matter what they wear, women get burned for it. But in the mid-19th century, this was extremely literal.

Colorblind Guy Gets Color Correcting Glasses, Realizes He Hates The Color Of His Truck

Colorblind Guy Gets Color Correcting Glasses, Realizes He Hates The Color Of His Truck
"You don't like red?" "Nope, I don't like that color."

Sandra Mansour. 11Minutes

Sandra Mansour. 11Minutes

Eleven Minutes – Eleven Dreams http://ift.tt/2BKVhNx Written and Directed by Mounia Akl Client: Sandra Mansour Artistic Director: Laurent Saad Producer: Cyril Aris Cinematographer: Joe Saade Music Composer: Jana Saleh Colorist: Belal Hibri / Lucid Post Post-production supervisor: Chrystel Elias Editing: George Sikharulidze, Mounia Akl Editing Minute 9: Noel Paul SFX: Elie Boudjok 1st AD: Andrew Hraiz Hair: Ivan Kuz Make-up: Joanna Kamar Production Manager: Anthony Zouein 1st AC: Pauline Maroun 2nd AC: Ricco Aoun, Georges Geagea, Rabih Issa Gaffer/Key Grip: Rawad Hmaymess Assistant Key Grip: Hadi Hmaymess, Albert Chahwan Electrician: Charbel Hadchiti Best Boy: Ayman El Hayess Spark: Hassan Abou Melhem, Roy Kolko Production Coordinator: Indiana Hamparsoum Production Assistant: Jennifer Tawile Unit Manager & Catering: Eid Mrad, Johnny Dib Location Manager (Ammiq): Michael Skaff Shot in Lebanon. http://ift.tt/1SNN7nD www.mouniaakl.com

The Deep Place

The Deep Place

One small boy. One huge lake. Foli was a slave. Immerse yourself in his story. Thousands of children between the ages of 6 and 18 live in slavery on Lake Volta, working up to 18 hours a day in the fishing industry. For these young children, the only way out of slavery is to drown or be rescued. Children just like Foli.* Visit http://ift.tt/2hNn9bX to send rescue today. --- This story is a reenactment of the real life events of one young boy. All the names and locations have been changed to protect his real identity. Directed by Lindsay Branham and Andrew Michael Ellis Edited by Ben Stamper Cinematography by Andrew Ellis and Ben Stamper Original Music by Aled Roberts Casting by Mawuko Kuadzi Field Producer Greg Justice, Amy Justice Script Supervisor Bethany Williams Production Sound: Greg Justice Stunt supervision by Hayford Agbedor Visual Effects by Perry Kroll Color Correction by Alter Ego Cast Foli: Louis Baah Yeboah Fofo: Godwin Duse Uncle: Brian Angels Boys on the Lake: Antony Antiga Richmond Ameoyi Grandfather: Isaac Afako Grandmother: Veronika Dogolo Produced by Novo Executive Produced by International Justice Mission

Invisible Barriers - Girl Effect (2016)

Invisible Barriers - Girl Effect (2016)

ABOUT. *WINNER - Kinsale Shark Award for Best International Film Craft for TV, Cinema and Online 2016 (Bronze) *OFFICIAL SELECTION - CINANIMA International Animated Film Festival of Espinho - Portugal 2017 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - ENCOUNTERS Short Film and Animation Festival 2017 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - SUPERTOON International Animation Film Festival 2017 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - LINOLEUM International Contemporary Animation Festival 2017 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - BAFF British Animation Film Festival 2017 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - NYC 14th Animation Block Party 2017 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2016 (Commissioned Films) *OFFICIAL SELECTION - Manchester Animation Film Festival 2016 *OFFICIAL SELECTION - East End Film Festival 2017 "Invisible Barriers", is a short animated film Directed, Designed and Animated by Mustashrik, produced with Partizan Animation. Commissioned by the organisation, Girl Effect via Freuds, the film was created as a manifesto to lead a new campaign that aims to support and encourage girls to believe in themselves in difficult regions around the globe, where societal change and growth is needed and should be positively encouraged. Collaborating with the powerful poetry of spoken word artist Bassey Ikpi, this animation hopes to lead an inspiring charge for girls of all ages - to let them fly, because they can change the world. Girl Effect is an organisation launched in 2009 at The World Economics Forum in Davos, its a movement by the NIKE Foundation in collaboration with the NoVo Foundation, United Nations Foundation and multiple partners. CREDITS. Client - Girl Effect Agency - Freuds Agency ECD - Seb Royce Agency Producer - Valerie Messersi Director - Mustashrik Mahbub Production - Partizan Producer - Alex Halley Production Manager - Leo Green Concept Design - Mustashrik Mahbub Art Direction - Mustashrik Mahbub Illustration - Mustashrik Mahbub Layout - Mustashrik Mahbub Lead Animator - Mustashrik Mahbub Clean Up Animator - Mustashrik Mahbub Animator - Xavier Ren Animator - Max Clifford Art Department Assistant - Katy Beveridge Lead Compositor - John Malcolm Moore Assistant Compositor - Luke Simpson Sound Studio - Wave Sound Design - Ed Downham Poet - Bassey Ikpi (Production Year : 2016)

H.B. | One minute short film

H.B. | One minute short film

The one minute tale of a survivalist. When the siren rings in the distance, a family has to get inside the shelter... Nothing will ever be the same again. I submitted the film to the Nikon Film Festival. If you liked it, I'd be extremely grateful if you could give it your support: http://ift.tt/2D2Az9E Thanks! If you liked the script, you can look at Robert J. Lee's work here: http://ift.tt/2AJINWy Made for the Film Riot and Filmstro one minute short film challenge. The siren alarm is http://ift.tt/2zwnjYI Full Credit: Cast: Eric Barbier Jade Barlatier Éla Barbier Crew: Director/Editor - Gaspar Palacio Writer - Robert J. Lee Sound - Oriane Palacio The group: Antoine Murat, Corentin Murat, Marco Murat, Brigitte Jensen, Véro Riera, Lionel Sanchez, Armand Charlot, Philippe Chausson, Sonia Charlot, Ève Charlot, Clara Sanchez, Donatien Charlot, Léna Charlot, Oriane Palacio Special thanks: Mehdi Bennaceur, Oriane Palacio, Martin Sogno, Benjamin Ziziemsky

Senin, 18 Desember 2017

Defender Thinks He Knows Play Call And Taunts Cam Newton, Immediately Gets Burned For A Touchdown

Defender Thinks He Knows Play Call And Taunts Cam Newton, Immediately Gets Burned For A Touchdown
Green Bay's Clay Matthews thought he knew what was coming. He did not.

Watching This 12,000 Domino Rainbow Spiral Topple Is Deeply Satisfying

Watching This 12,000 Domino Rainbow Spiral Topple Is Deeply Satisfying
This masterpiece took two full days to build and only seconds to come crashing down.

60 Years of Logos: Chermayeff & Geismar

60 Years of Logos: Chermayeff & Geismar

60 years ago Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar joined forces and the world of design has never been the same. Their company Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv has designed some of the most enduring and defining logos of the modern age. We honor their collaboration with this video, which includes, sadly, the last interview with Ivan before his passing. Client: AIGA Presented by: AIGA Design Archives Production Company: Dress Code (dresscodeny.com) Director: Dan Covert Executive Producer: Brad Edelstein Head of Production: Tara Rose Stromberg Cinematography: Andre Andreev Production Cordinator: Nick Stromberg Edit: Mike Cook, Dan Covert Color: Mike Cook Music + Sound Design: YouTooCanWoo On Set Sound: Matteo Liberatore Images and Special Thanks: Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. We thank them for their help towards the AIGA archives and special collections.

I Know Jake Gyllenhaal is Going to Fuck My Girlfriend

I Know Jake Gyllenhaal is Going to Fuck My Girlfriend

INTRA - From a Black hole to the Big-bang

INTRA - From a Black hole to the Big-bang

1080p & Headphones recommended. -- We don't know yet what is inside a black hole, we know it is a singularity, a point where every theories we know dont work anymore. One of the possibilities is called "The White Hole Theory", a sort of exit from the black hole, a point where everything is born, including space and time. Some compare it to the Big Bang. INTRA tells the visual story of this theory, a journey from the black to the white hole, a cosmic tale of death and birth... As a tribute to Nolan's Interstellar, this second short after NOVAE goes deeper into our conception of cosmos, interpreting the unknown to propose a vision of the most extreme celestial object of our Universe... -- Nous ne savons pas encore ce qu'il y a dans un trou noir, nous savons qu'il y a une singularité, un point où toutes les règles de la physique s'effondrent. Une des possibilités est appelée "la théorie du trou blanc", un sorte de sortie du trou noir, un point où tout est né, y compris l'espace et le temps. Certains le comparent même au Big Bang. INTRA est une vision fantasmé de cette théorie, un voyage du trou noir au trou blanc, un conte cosmique de naissance et de mort... En hommage à Interstellar de Nolan, ce second court-métrage après NOVAE interprète l'inconnu pour proposer une vision de l'objet céleste le plus extrême de notre univers... -- Directed by Thomas Vanz Co-directed with Nano Lab Piano by Julien Marchal Violon/Mix by Jonathan Fitas Programmer Pim Schreurs Additional Music/ sound-design : Thomas Vanz See more : Thomas Vanz's website : thomasvanz.com Facebook : Thomas Vanz Instagram : @thomas_vanz Inquiries : thomasvanz404@gmail.com Nano Lab Vimeo : vimeo.com/nanolab Jonathan Fitas's website : http://ift.tt/2oX6eln Julien Marchal Facebook page : http://ift.tt/2iyChH9 Pim's simulation : http://ift.tt/1D3nTZw FEATURED ON - DESIGNCOLLECTOR http://ift.tt/2zhaLV6 - MOTIONCOLLECTOR http://ift.tt/rFCTCr - IAMAG.CO http://ift.tt/2zi0A2x - ROBOTMAFIA http://ift.tt/2Bgv0Uc - DIYPHOTOGRAPHY http://ift.tt/2jWAZJG - LEBLOGPHOTO http://ift.tt/2AdzZY4



GAME. 15 minutes. Written & directed by Jeannie Donohoe. A Lexus Short Film starring Rick Fox, Nicole Williams, Tye White, Jamie McShane, Charles Parnell, Dominique Columbus, Michael Purdie, Christian Pierce, Jeff Bee, Josh David, Norman Johnson. http://ift.tt/2BHRgJI http://ift.tt/2AUneia https://twitter.com/GameShortFilm GameBasketballShortFilm@gmail.com

Minggu, 17 Desember 2017

The Insane True Story Of How 'Titanic' Got Made

The Insane True Story Of How 'Titanic' Got Made
James Cameron's epic "$190 million chick flick" spawned "Leomania" and presented us with a new kind of wish fulfillment.

Foo Fighters Tore Up 'SNL' With A Fantastic Christmas Medley

Foo Fighters Tore Up 'SNL' With A Fantastic Christmas Medley
If everything could ever have this cheer forever...



We must protect this house. http://ift.tt/2zReBVi



"Racing to the red light, only to find themselves wanting to go further. They have ripped the natural world apart and surrendered their freedom to a joyless gratification." Direction, Animation: Mads Broni Illustration, Character Animation: Salla Lehmus Music, Sound Design: Echoic Audio Narration: Gillian Burke Special thanks to: Amber Parson, Simon Trotz, Veronica Moray

Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017

2.5 Million

2.5 Million

"2.5 Million" follows American skier Aaron Rice as he sets out to ski 2.5 million human-powered vertical feet in the backcountry and set a new world record. To be successful Aaron will have to ski over 330 days in the calendar year and chase snow around the world. The challenge is both physical and mental, and injuries are simply not an option. Filmed, Directed and Edited by Tyler Wilkinson-Ray Supported by Jaybird Additional support from Ortovox In association with The Wilder Studio and T-bar Films. Aaron Rice Louis Arevalo Francois Desrosiers Special thanks to Greg Hill Katy Kirkpatrick Everyone at Refugio Frey Sound Design Jeffery Yellen ridgelinesound.com Titles and Graphics by Erik Jefferis Parallax Photos by Luke Kantola Color by Jordan Snider - Chromacolor LLC Follow Aaron at www.airandrice.com @airandrice Location(s) Utah Bariloche, Argentina Pucon, Chile Shasta, California Bachelor, Oregon Revelstoke, BC

This Is Probably The Last Thing You Want When You're Driving Through Heavy Snow

This Is Probably The Last Thing You Want When You're Driving Through Heavy Snow
Unless lowriding in snowstorms in Detroit has always been your dream.

'Fetus' And 'Transgender' Listed As Forbidden Words For The CDC

'Fetus' And 'Transgender' Listed As Forbidden Words For The CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are told to avoid banned words and phrases like "fetus," "transgender," and "science-based" in budget documents.




Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

This Combination Of Ballet And Rotoscope Animation Is Simply Breathtaking

This Combination Of Ballet And Rotoscope Animation Is Simply Breathtaking
When abstract geometry meets the beauty of ballet.

Senator Questions US District Court Nominee About Basic Legal Matters, He Struggles To Answer A Single One

Senator Questions US District Court Nominee About Basic Legal Matters, He Struggles To Answer A Single One
"What was the last time you read the Federal Rules of Evidence?" "... All the way through?"



Direction/animation: Roberto Biadi Sound: Enrico Ascoli Animation support: Daniele Laplaca



1:34 AM. A snowy suburb. Jérémie, 24, parks his modified car in front of a crowded club. His friends’ usual concerns (“Hey man, do you have something that will help me make it through the night”?) do not interest him. Jérémie is looking for someone. Late Night Drama is a short film directed by Patrice Laliberte, and produced by Couronne Nord. With Guillaume Laurin et Sasha Migliarese. *World premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival 2016* ******* 1 :34 am. Dans une banlieue enneigée. Jérémie, 24 ans, stationne sa voiture modifiée en face d’un club bondé. Les préoccupations habituelles de ses amis : Man, as-tu de quoi pour me faire tougher toute la nuit? - ne l’intéressent guère. Jérémie cherche quelqu’un. Drame de fin de soirée est un court métrage réalisé par Patrice Laliberté et produit par Couronne Nord. Avec Guillaume Laurin et Sasha Migliarese. *Première mondiale au Toronto International Film Festival 2016" Distributeur: Travelling, les films qui voyage Distributor: Travelling distribution info@couronnenord.ca / www.couronnenord.ca

OK Google

OK Google

When a father finds a year’s worth of his 5-year-old son’s Google voice searches, he inadvertently realizes there might just be a new member of his family. A story by Brett Gaylor and Darren Pasemko

Blue Zoo's "Lynx & Birds"

Blue Zoo's "Lynx & Birds"

In a timely story about love triumphing over fear, we created a short festive animation that would rival any Christmas advert in the cuteness stakes! Now in its 6th year, our company-wide shorts programme encourages experimentation in the studio and a culture of creative collaboration. Everyone in the studio has the opportunity to pitch their idea, and everyone votes for their favourite, making it unique and democratic. This year Simone Giampaolo & Francesco Mazza won the vote and steered the studio together to make this short. We hope you enjoy it & wish you a very happy Christmas from all at Blue Zoo :) Production Company: Blue Zoo Animation Studio Directed by: Francesco Mazza & Simone Giampaolo Art Direction & Design: Francesco Mazza Animation Direction: Simone Giampaolo Music: Brollyman Narration: Darren Altman Lead Modeller: Pietro Licini CG Supervisor: Gherardo Zurla Modelling & Texturing: Pietro Licini, Mélanie Gras, Hannah Wong Head of Look Dev: Negar Bagheri Grooming & Look Dev: Arthur Tibbett, Hannah Wong Rigging, simulation and FX: Anthony Delliste Lead Animator: Simone Giampaolo Animators: Jim Sweeting, Owen Fern, Zoé Risser Lighting TDs: Hannah Wong, Gherardo Zurla, Steven White Compositing: Hannah Wong, Elaine Thomas, Negar Bagheri, Gherardo Zurla Additional Art: Izzy Burton Pipeline Team: Jay Tsang, Phil Stewart Producer: Tom Box Production Managers: Lizzie Hicks, Negar Bagheri Voice Effects: Alec Smith Sound Design & Mix: John Sutherland VO Sound Engineer: Dom Boucher @ The Sound Company Special Thanks: Brollyman and Matthew Slater, Adam Shaw, Damian Hook, Joe Kinch, Dane Winn, Sophie Rekasowski, Carole Baskin, Catherine Gallo, Jacques Gauthier, Fabrizia Spera, Alessandra Battaglia and all our families. To help protect endangered big cats, please make sure to support: Felidae Conservation Fun (http://ift.tt/1A4B9Q8) Big Cat Rescue (http://ift.tt/1SvidlU)

Kamis, 14 Desember 2017

Millennial Comedian Jaboukie Young-White Did A Killer Stand-Up Set On 'Fallon'

Millennial Comedian Jaboukie Young-White Did A Killer Stand-Up Set On 'Fallon'
If you want to know what young people think is funny, listen to this guy.

Generation Screwed

Generation Screwed
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.



There is so much more to Peru than Machu Picchu. From the heart of Lima to deep in the Sacred Valley, 'Rhythms of Peru' takes you not only to Peru's most iconic, but also far off the tourist trail for a chance to experience a more intimate view of this beautiful country. A Co-Production of The Tipsy Gypsies (http://ift.tt/2dRju6K) and Kuoda Travel (www.kuodatravel.com) Although we visited some really amazing places, this is by no means an all encompassing portrait of the country. We did not make it to the north or the amazon this trip. I would love to go back and film a part 2 at some point. PREVIOUS WORK: Valleys in the Sky: http://ift.tt/2kcPy7h Morocco (Staff Picks): http://ift.tt/2dFlH6T

Novo Amor & Ed Tullett - Terraform (official video)

Novo Amor & Ed Tullett - Terraform (official video)

Lifted from 'Heiress'. Out now via AllPoints. Buy: http://ift.tt/2x2048c Ijen Assistance: http://ift.tt/2z9V5Fm Watch the Making Of: https://youtu.be/REe8KqX-lqU Novo Amor & Ed Tullett: http://ift.tt/2AkEg94 Directed by Jorik Dozy and Sil van der Woerd Produced by New Frontier Pictures Follow Novo Amor http://ift.tt/2ukbfen http://ift.tt/2ho8nHz http://ift.tt/2f8u7Xm https://twitter.com/iamnovoamor http://ift.tt/2Ale4eD Follow Ed Tullett http://edtullett.co.uk http://ift.tt/1bfiS4z http://ift.tt/1sl9FkS https://twitter.com/edtullett http://ift.tt/2z9VcAM

Cinema 2017: The Dance

Cinema 2017: The Dance

My end-of-year tribute to those who danced across our screens in 2017. Films used: ALL THESE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS BABY DRIVER BAYWATCH CALL ME BY YOUR NAME COLUMBUS DESPICABLE ME 3 FOXTROT THE FLORIDA PROJECT A GHOST STORY GIRLS TRIP GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 INGRID GOES WEST LANDLINE THE LURE PITCH PERFECT 3 RAW SONG TO SONG SPLIT THE SQUARE TRAINSPOTTING 2 VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND PLANETS Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

ALLSTATE: The Lost Girls of Chicago

ALLSTATE: The Lost Girls of Chicago

Director: Danielle Elliot Producer: Tom Davis/See Think Films Editor: Brad Turner/See Think Films DP: Jake Zalutsky On a sunny afternoon in May 2009, LaVonte Stewart was coaching a Little League practice when two men ran across the field. The second had a gun in his hand. Stewart, a former gang member who previously spent time in prison, dove to the ground to take cover. The kids, on the other hand, stood around laughing, taking bets on whether the gunman would shoot. Stewart was shocked. Why weren’t his players reacting? Gun violence is commonplace across Chicago and in many other U.S. cities. For years, organizations have attempted to steer boys away from gangs. But it’s not always as simple as deciding to join or not—there are other factors beyond their control. And it’s not an issue that uniquely affects young men. Young women are also at risk. In that moment on the field, Stewart thought about his earlier life and how he was at least partially responsible for the indifference his players showed when they saw a gun. This short documentary captures what he did next, and how it’s impacting the greater Chicago area.

Unexpected Discoveries

Unexpected Discoveries

A young fellow finds himself stumbling upon an ordinary flashlight that allows him to explore other places. Unexpected Discoveries reminds us to always be present. You never know what is around the corner or what is directly in front of you.

Rabu, 13 Desember 2017

Here's The Wrong Way To Try To Drive Your 4x4 Down A Steep Slope

Here's The Wrong Way To Try To Drive Your 4x4 Down A Steep Slope
Like the guy in the green, we ended up cringing a little bit at the end.

In Unprecedented Result, Roy Moore Loses Alabama Senate Race To Democrat Doug Jones

In Unprecedented Result, Roy Moore Loses Alabama Senate Race To Democrat Doug Jones
Alabama hasn't elected a Democrat to the Senate in almost 30 years.

Nou Nen feat.utae

Nou Nen feat.utae

by Sawako Kabuki(冠木佐和子)| Japan | 2015 | color | 3'19'' | MV Music: THE POTONE! Synopsis: Ex-girlfriend & Internal cum & Emergency contraception & Man pained at the gap between ideals and reality. あらすじ: 元カノと、中出しと、モーニングアフターピルと、理想と現実の中での男子的切なさ。 Festivals (selected): 2017 PÖFF Shorts: Sleepwalkers & Animated Dreams, Estonia 2017 LIAF: London International Animation Festival, UK 2017 «Animatou», the International Animation Film Festival, Switzerland 2017 Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, Germany 2017 EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL, Germany 2017 Annecy International Animation Film Festival, France 2017 Flatpack Film Festival, UK 2017 Florida Film Festival, USA 2017 FILMFEST DRESDEN, Germany 2016 Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Germany 2016 Holland Animation Film Festival, Netherlands Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hIviKe Instagram: http://ift.tt/2iXHWq2

The Silence Breakers: TIME Person of the Year 2017

The Silence Breakers: TIME Person of the Year 2017

For giving voice to open secrets, for moving whisper networks onto social networks, for pushing all of us to stop accepting the unacceptable, the Silence Breakers are the 2017 Person of the Year. http://ift.tt/2AwGdlC

BLOODHOUND | shortfilm

BLOODHOUND | shortfilm

Short film - 17' - 2014 Driving to reach his girlfriend’s cottage, Samuele accidentally hits the dog of an old hunter. Feeling guilty for the death of the dog he follows the hunter helping him to bury the animal in the woods. The journey in the wilderness is unending and Samuele is doubtful about the real intentions of the hunter.

Casey Brown - This Is Home

Casey Brown - This Is Home

"Yea I guess as a kid, you have limitless dreams and you can kind of think of whatever you want to do, you can do. But as you get older and especially after graduating high school, you got to think of how you can, you know make ends meet and stuff. So during those times, dreams can either slip away from you, if you let them, or you can pour your heart into it and really make it work." - Casey Brown See the full photo epic > http://ift.tt/2nD9Vk1 Featuring: Casey Brown Location: Revelstoke, BC, Canada Directed by: Harrison Mendel Cinematography By: Harrison Mendel and Liam Mullany Production Coordinater: Marty Schaffer Edited By: Harrison Mendel Sound Design: Racket Sound Title Design/VFX: Studio Dialog Still Photography: Robb Thompson Special Thanks Brinna Lukkar Elinor Brown Dave Brown Silver & Summer Glacier Helicopters Paul Tigchelaar Music "Divide" feat Kelsy Bulkin Performed by ODESZA A Moment Apart http://odesza.com http://ift.tt/1p3BcXK http://ift.tt/101t0LX http://ift.tt/1p3Bf64 http://ift.tt/101sZro

To Build a Fire

To Build a Fire

TO BUILD A FIRE a film by Fx Goby In the harshness of midwinter, a trapper is crossing the Yukon with his dog. Struggling to survive, he attempts to build a simple fire. To Build a Fire is widely recognised as a Jack London masterpiece and is a classic of American literature. Based on the short story by Jack London "To Build A Fire" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere! Read more about it here: http://ift.tt/2C1nSuA Directed by Fx Goby A Composite Films production Executive producer Samuel François-Steininger Line producer Marie Corberand In coproduction with Nexus Productions Charlotte Bavasso Chris O’Reilly Fx Goby Films & Pictures Carabine Productions Christel Delahaye Lead animator Christian Boving-Andersen Animation Paul Dabout Martin Hurmane Leni Marotte Juliette Peuportier Landariu Tinubu Sidonie Vidal Emmanuelle Walker 2D FX animation Matt Timms Animatic Fabrice Fiteni Art director Tristan Ménard Background artists Antoine Birot Linus Carlson Damien Colbolchevik Joe Dennis Tonet Dura Guitty Mojabi Visual Researches Colin Bigelow Fx Goby Oren Haskins Hélène Leroux Thomas Roisland Tristan Menard Guitty Mojabi Marthe Strand Mourier Marie Thorhauge Clean up production supervisors David Blanche Jessica Lewis Clean up artists Rosie Andrews Rosie Baker Joshua Barlow Danielle Bethel Lena Blaschek Kasia Brzezińska Georgina Cook Mohamed Fadera Leila Foong Rhian Jones Tom Legg Jessica Maple Leni Marotte Sara Moon Lewis Nash Toby Parry Juliette Peuportier Jamie-Lee Reynolds Andy Stevens Marthe Strand Mourier Joe Strange Riu Niyi Tinubu Adam Malcom Waters 3D modelers Dorianne Fibleuil Michal Firkowski 3D rig Pete Addington Compositing Abel Kohen Fx Goby Quentin Pointillart Alexia Provoost Editing Fx Goby Narrated by Tony Fish Original music Mathieu Alvado Composed and recorded with the support of the SACEM in association with ALCIMÉ (Aubagne International Film Festival) Performed by Members of the LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conductor Mathieu Alvado Orchestra manager Sue Mallet Recorded at AIR Studios Sound engineer Geoff Foster Pro Tools Assistant Tom Bailey Preparation Pro Tools session David Menke Copyist Norbert Vergonjanne Music mixing Samy Cheboub Sound post-production FONIC Sound supervisors Jake Roberts Barnaby Templer Sound design and mix Barnaby Templer Sound effects editing and recording Chris Swaine Foley artist Sue Harding Sound engineer voice JM Finch Editor voice Marty O’Brien Colour grading Jack McGinity / Time Based Arts Administration ACC Caroline Garmirian Christophe Sanlaville Communication Benoît Berthe Élodie Moïsa Emmanuelle Rodeghiero Marine Wong Kwok Chuen Community Manager Alexander Lawrence Genevieve Stow Interns Chloé Mazzani Robin Soulisse Camille Jacques Acknowledgements to all the backers of our Indiegogo corwdfunding and in particular: James Allen et Mike Skrgatic, Charlotte Bavasso, Paolo Polesello, Hélène Béjat, Benoît Berthe, Celyn Brazier, Patricia Claire, Xavier Egurbide, Angela Kaper, Brendan McCann, Scott Dresden, Sébastien Fournier, Philippe François-Steininger, Emilie et Jean-Sébastien Michelet, Nathalie François, Miguel Sanz, Renaud Futterer, Dominique Goby, Julien Goby, Vincent Guy, Paulette Hawkins, Jean-Marie Keene, Hélène Leroux, Tristan Ménard, Chris O’Reilly, Paolo Polesello, Janet Smith, Paul Tempelman, François Turquety, James Tomkinson, Samuel Colin, Emmanuel Tenenbaum, Nathan Goldenberg, Etienne Semelet Acknowledgements to our sponsors Light My Fire® – Christian Ludwig Katadyn® – Steven Le Guellec Leatherman® – Roger Bjorklund & Julie Knapp A.R.T. SURVIE & Théo The director wishes to thank the artists involved in this film, their artistic contributions, the time and energy they spent on this project, from several hours to several months, has been both fundamental and remarkable. Christophe Taudière Arts university Bournemouth Paul, Ward & Peter Symons Natalie Busutil, Jo Bierton, Julia Parfitt, Luke Youngman Pôle Pixel et Rhône Alpes Cinéma Marie Le Gac, Grégory Faes, Emmanuel Bernard, Sébastien Thomas, Lauriane Mégny Lumières Numériques Pierre-Loic Précausta, Camille Geoffray Les Gobelins Moira Marguin & Aida Del solar, Sophie Lascoux, Valentine, Julien & Dominique Goby Hélène & Jean-Louis Rodeghiero Catherine & François Corberand, Cécile Nédélec, Claire Ageneau Saul Nash With the participation of France Télévisions Head of Acquisitions – Short Film Programming Christophe Taudière International distribution France Télévisions Distribution

Selasa, 12 Desember 2017

A Chinese Sculpture Brings An 'Antiques Road Show' Expert To Tears

A Chinese Sculpture Brings An 'Antiques Road Show' Expert To Tears
This appraiser was awestruck the moment he saw the piece in this clip from 2002.

Drone’s-Eye View

Drone’s-Eye View
Experience America's most populous city as you never have before — from directly overhead.

Rescate | Filmsupply Presents

Rescate | Filmsupply Presents

This inspiring documentary follows the heroic efforts of the Rescate Ambar volunteer Paramedics, a group that sacrifices sleep and safety to provide medical attention to the thousands of motor vehicle accidents that plague the Dominican Republic. Filmmaker Mark Bone embedded himself with the team for an honest look at people who face life and death every day. License the footage: http://flmsp.ly/lcsnrs Learn more about the film: http://flmsp.ly/lcnrsc Go behind-the-scenes on the blog: http://flmsp.ly/vrscbl For more information on how you can help Rescate Ambar visit: http://ift.tt/2kewLd6 Directed by: Mark Bone Cinematography by: Mark Bone, Matti Haapoja Edited by: Mark Bone Featuring: Rescate Ambar Paramedic & Emergency Response Team, Puerto Plata. Executive Producers: Franke Rodriguez, Jennifer Rodriguez, Richard Cureton, Luc Frappier Co-Producer: Jessica Gray, Jason Gray Story Editor: Matt Donne Post Production Supervisor: Brad Neweduk Post Production: Matrx Colorist: Clinton Humoth at Alter Ego Post Colour Producers: Jane Garrah, Cheyenne Bloomfield at Alter Ego Post Supervising Sound Editor and Mixer: Josh Brown Dialogue Editor: Matt Hearn Sound Editor: Nadya Hanlon Additional Editing: Matt Laughlin Trailer Editor: Mikaela Bodin Trailer Post Production Sound: Farm House Studios Drone Operators: Genesis Raye, Matti Haapoja Dominican Production Coordinator: Alejandro Gomez, Krissie Sullivan, Genesis Raye On-set Translators: Alejandro Gomez, Krissie Sullivan Post Production Translator: Alejandro Gomez. Val Mata, Rafael Estrella Production Company: Revolver Films Inc Nations are Fragile: Written & Composed by Tim Mann

perspective ǝʌᴉʇɔǝdsɹǝԀ

perspective ǝʌᴉʇɔǝdsɹǝԀ

Buildings dancing, Perspectives shifting. Sound design by: Benjamin Mauch http://ift.tt/2AO6Y31 � See more at www.nerual.design



A corporate recording session implodes when a seasoned voice over artist is pushed to breaking point. Cast Levente Molnar (Son of Saul) Julian Stolzenberg Neil Mccaul Samantha Spurgin Ian Pope Ed Coleman Website: http://ift.tt/2BXEDXD WINNER Best British Comedy Discover.Film Awards 2017 WINNER Best Cinematography Largo Film Awards 2017 OFFICIAL SELECTION London Short Film Festival 2018 OFFICIAL SELECTION Hastings Fringe Festival 2017 OFFICIAL SELECTION The Smalls 2017 OFFICIAL SELECTION Exit 6 Film Festival 2017 OFFICIAL SELECTION Conway Film Festival 2017 HONOURABLE MENTION Best Actor Neil McCaul, Kino Short Film Festival 2017

A Very Loose History Of Skateboard Shapes - Part 1

A Very Loose History Of Skateboard Shapes - Part 1

This is not the complete history of skateboard shapes but a loose version. Some of the key moments. Originally aired on skateboarding.com for Transworld Skate. http://ift.tt/2iUdsp6 Voice Over: Luke Callahan Thank you: Mackenzie Eisenhour Chuck Hults Paul Schmitt Jason Celaya Nora Vasconcellos Micah Abrams Jaime Owens Footage Courtesy of: Bruce Brown Americas Newest Sport – 1962 Skateboarder Magazine Archive Matt Hensley – Not The New H-Street Video

Senin, 11 Desember 2017

Kid Absolutely Crushes This Boardslide

Kid Absolutely Crushes This Boardslide
Knowing skateboarders, this was probably dozens of attempts in the making. That doesn't make it any less impressive.

Congress took $101 million in donations from the ISP industry — here’s how much your lawmaker got

Congress took $101 million in donations from the ISP industry — here’s how much your lawmaker got
Comcast, Verizon, AT&T and others spread their money far and wide to influence your government.

Benjamin Booker ‘Believe’ Dir: James Lees

Benjamin Booker ‘Believe’ Dir: James Lees

Director: James Lees Producer: Zach Wright Executive Producer: Danielle Hinde & Jason Cole Cinematographer: Larkin Seiple Editor: Josh Hegard Art Director: Carmen Navis Choreographer: Melissa Schade Costume: Christina Flannery Colorist: Ricky Gausis Casting: Michael Beaudry Production Manager: Samuel Miller CAST Lead Soldier: Benjamin Booker Boy: Artyon Celestine Drill Sergeant: Rich Eagle Bully: Gabba Tomada Soldiers: JM Rodriguez Moises Michel Brooke Shepherd Mackenzey Franklin Andrew Valle Gregory Barnett Malachi Middleton Dushaun Thompson Nupier Garrett



プロデュース・脚本・監督:岡部淳也 SF時代劇映画【架空映画トレーラー】 実際には存在しない日本時代劇映画をベースに、 非営利のファンムービーとして製作した 架空SF映画トレーラー です。 お楽しみ下さい。 Producer/Screenplay/Director : JUNYA OKABE Sci-fi historical film [fictitious film trailer] This is a fictitious sci-fi film trailer produced as a nonprofit fan movie, based on a Japanese historical film, or jidaigeki, which does not actually exist. Please enjoy watching it. http://www.zvp.jp/

Zombie Boyfriend

Zombie Boyfriend

A love note to my favorite films, art and games. Cut paper and ink zombies roam a desolate Brooklyn, NY. All artwork, animation and sound design by Case Jernigan.

A Blizzard Made the Unwatchable Colts-Bills Matchup Must-Watch TV

A Blizzard Made the Unwatchable Colts-Bills Matchup Must-Watch TV
The rules of football met their breaking point under several inches of snow.

Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

James Franco Might Forever Change The Way You Think About Pizza In This 'SNL' Bit

James Franco Might Forever Change The Way You Think About Pizza In This 'SNL' Bit
The outcome of a murder case is on the line. Franco, the prosecutor, only has one thing to cross examine the suspect on: two slices of "za." It has to work.

The Secret Life of 'Um'

The Secret Life of 'Um'
When one person asks another a question, it takes an average of 200 milliseconds for them to respond. This is so fast that we can't even hear the pause. In fact, it's faster than our brains actually work.

Cute Cockatiel Loves Tap Dancing On Box

Cute Cockatiel Loves Tap Dancing On Box
"I go wherever the beat takes me."



http://ift.tt/1M19FNu ; http://ift.tt/2BqL2hR Shot on RED Dragon 6k on the highlands above Rome, Italy. Cinematography, Edit, and Grading by Ivan Maria Friedman. Music: Ligeti Requiem, Introitus. Parco Regionale Monti Simbruini, Italy.

Sabtu, 09 Desember 2017

This Video Of A Polar Bear Starving To Death Is Hard To Watch

This Video Of A Polar Bear Starving To Death Is Hard To Watch
It's likely that at the time this was filmed, the polar bear only had a few hours to live.

Ambient Rain

Ambient Rain

A journey through East Asia. Filmed and edited by Rafa Zubiria. Music: Ambient Rain Music Part 5 by Ambient Rain. Featured cities: Hanoi, Hong Kong, Guilin, Yangshuo, Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

CAGE‘ 折枝

CAGE‘ 折枝

SYNOPSIS Life is liberty in a CAGE. CAGE represents a situation that is filled with a lot of constraints, or a habit or an addiction that is hard to get rid of. This project is to present a Chinese cultural and traditional visual style to audiences. On the other hand, CAGE tries to inspire them to recall their memory and consider what is the meaning of life to them individually. ----------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTOR STATEMENT My story depicts a period of a concubine’s bound life. She has gained a lot since being consumed by her man in both dream and reality. In reminiscence, as she remembers her life from the end back to the beginning, she has vivid dreams that evoke her longing desire. She finds it hard to disengage from her current situation, because the path in her dream is breaking and falling apart. She could not go back, even in the dream. Finally, she is disconnected from her dream and brought back into reality. In a blink of an eye, she looks at the emperor and carefully starts to serve the emperor as shown in the opening scene. According to my grandmother’s story of her early life experience, her families lived with struggle at the time of the Chinese Great Cultural Revolution. My grandfather’s families were Intellectuals and landowners, and they were criticized and denounced. However, they supported the leader and government. Most of the Intellectuals and landowners‘ property was confiscated or destroyed in the end. Intellectuals and landowners were banished or locked up by others. My grandfather joined the army for battle although he was an Intellectual. My grandmother lost everything except her five children including my father who was nearly five years old. Since then, they went into a different life with no money, no food, no education and no smile every day. Finally, my grandmother took her children, left Shandong and went to Nanjing. At my grandmother’s time, women could not go to school because people thought that women did not need to study because of old traditions. Cooking, sewing, having kids and taking care of them were their career for their whole life. Therefore, for women it was hard to find a job outside of the family, especially for my grandmother who had five kids. Life was like a stubborn cage where women were inside, and people’s minds were also bound in a cage, and women were outside of that cage. However, life needed to go on for some reasons such as for those young lives. My grandmother dropped off her dignity, and went out to pick waste such as scrap iron, goose feathers and grain, because she needed money to eat. Fortunately, life is like that. As long as we can insist on holding hope, we can carry on. My families did. They “put down” something while “picking up” something else. I created an animation, Ya-er (2009), as a life-recording gift to my grandparents and their families. My intention for this project is to present a Chinese cultural and traditional style to my audience. On the other hand, I want to inspire them to recall their memory and consider what is the meaning of life to them individually. When they follow the girl’s experience in my film, I hope people will be able to ask themselves, “If I also live my life within a golden cage, how would that affect me? Have I felt satisfied in my life?" ------------------------------------------- Dupp (Pengpeng Du)

Jumat, 08 Desember 2017

Buys Bitcoin once

Buys Bitcoin once
"Look it's called blockchain... you wouldn't get it."

A New Optical Illusion Was Just Discovered, And It's Breaking Our Brains

A New Optical Illusion Was Just Discovered, And It's Breaking Our Brains
Researcher Kohske Takahashi calls it the "curvature blindness illusion" and it's very trippy.

Snowy Bing Bongs Across The North Star Combat Zone

Snowy Bing Bongs Across The North Star Combat Zone

Beach balls. Doctor boners. Farts. Snow. This film, starring Cocoon Central Dance Team, just might have invented its own genre: comedy-dance-sketch-fantasy. Directed by Rachel Wolther and Alex H. Fischer Executive Produced by The Daniels Presented by Topic

Gus Dapperton "Prune, You Talk Funny"

Gus Dapperton "Prune, You Talk Funny"

its 1986 and desire and fantasy is all we have. we follow gus at a pivotal point in his life as he tries to figure out right from wrong. director matthew dillon cohen director of photography ben carey producer luigi rossi production diktator choreographer juri onuki production design sharon vion stylist marc anthony george editor matt schaff colorist josh bohoskey post production company the mill 3-d artist alessio de vecchi



The Bronx Freedom Fund pays the bail for people accused of misdemeanors who cannot afford their freedom. Who are these people? They are often the most vulnerable in our community and those with the least public voice. They are people like Ramel. Having Ramel share his story with us was transformative – to be innocent and have your liberty denied is a national shame. His story galvanized us to make this film because his voice not only deserves to be heard, but needs to be heard. His courage, resolve and compassion is an inspiration and it’s time to shine a light on this grave injustice being visited upon far too many of our fellow citizens. The Bronx Freedom Fund, and now the national Bail Project, is doing their part – Ramel’s story is a stirring reminder that it’s up to all of us to step up and do ours. The Bail Project is an unprecedented national effort to combat mass incarceration by keeping tens of thousands of low-income Americans out of pretrial detention. The organization grows out of The Bronx Freedom Fund and will expand to dozens of high-need jurisdictions with the goal of reducing the unacceptable human suffering caused by unaffordable cash bail and supporting community efforts to end the racial disparities endemic to this system. Join the cause at http://bailproject.org. -- Featuring Ramel Edwards Client: The Bronx Freedom Fund Project Director: Ezra Ritchin Production Company: Variable Director: Kevan Funk Cinematographer: Peter Hadfield Producer: Alex Friedman Executive Producer: Tyler Ginter Production Supervisor: Paige Demarco Production Coordinator: Rocco Campanelli 1st AC: Oliver Lanzenberg DIT: Jeff Levine Gaffer: Brad Burke Key Grip: Seth Dean Sound: Corey Poindexter Production Designer: Curtis Oliveira Art PA: Syd Richardson Art PA: Jack De Sousa PA: Johnny Guevara PA: Julius Moreno Editorial: Cartel Editor: Chris Catanach Post Producer: Greer Bratschie Post Executive Producer: Lauren Bleiweiss Color: Company 3 Colorist: Jaime O’Bradovich Color Producer: Kate Aspell Sound Design/Mix: Matt Drake @ White Hart Post Original Score: Ben Fox Casting: Nina Day Casting Supporting Cast: Young Ramel: Taj Blain Ramel's Aunt: Donna Glaesner Neighborhood Kid #1 Ariana Bantoe Neighborhood Kid #2 Da'jour Jones Neighborhood Kid #3 Jacquel Gilmore -- http://ift.tt/HG6yuh hello@WeAreVariable.com

Geenie Reenie

Geenie Reenie

Geenie Reenie and Dozen check some emails

Kamis, 07 Desember 2017

Devastating Tornado Turns Concrete Building Into Rubble In Seconds

Devastating Tornado Turns Concrete Building Into Rubble In Seconds
Luckily, nobody working at this business in Spartanburg, South Carolina was killed or seriously injured.

Guy Gets Out Of His Car Next To Raging Wildfire, Saves Wild Rabbit

Guy Gets Out Of His Car Next To Raging Wildfire, Saves Wild Rabbit
Now get back in your car and drive, dude.

Joji "Demons" (Official Music Video)

Joji "Demons" (Official Music Video)

Directed by Jared Hogan Performance by Diego Ballesteros Producer: Elisha Gustafson Executive Producer: Jared Harris Director of Photography: Isaac Bauman Costume Designer/Stylist: Paula Tabalipa 1st AC: Jordan Utley Steadicam Operator: Jed Seuss Gaffer: Ryan Hannah Key Grip: Christian Darais Grip: Gabe Mejias Production Coordinator: Amity Waldecker Colorist: Jacob McKee Titles: Eric Hurtgen Saint Cloud



Sparks is a personal and experimental animation project about the collision between color, geometry, chaos and order. Directed by Josep Prat Sorolla Starring Anna Benet Music by HOME / "Hold" - http://ift.tt/1eTpI1Q DoP On set: Berta O. Peig Bernat Oller joseppratsorolla.com



VORTEX is a personal project by Tim Sessler, shot on the iPhone 8 and Freefly MoVI. Filmed within 48h in NYC. Read more about the project on our blog: http://ift.tt/1JXFKVk _______________________________________________ Edit & Sound Design || J.P. Damboragian || http://ift.tt/2BQlSWH Music || Michael Marantz || http://ift.tt/noc8vu Cello & Violin || Daniel Boventer || http://ift.tt/2AYjnnS Production Support || Sam Hicks Stabilization: Freefly MoVI (on Segway and wheelchair) gomovi.com Camera: iPhone 8 with FilmicPro Lens: Moment - New Wide Lens: http://ift.tt/2wRDUc5 Special thanks to Tabb Firchau and the entire Freefly team, Sam Hicks, Cameron Michael, Victoria Rivera, Soren Nielsen and Autumn K Brookmire for all the support and thanks to Mishka Kornai for the inspiration!!

Bears Ears - A Living Museum

Bears Ears - A Living Museum

The eastern side of the Comb Ridge once served as a home for Ancient Pueblo Peoples who built dwellings in the alcoves and etched drawings into the rock walls.

Rabu, 06 Desember 2017

State Rep. Freaks Out After Colleague Touches His Arm In Meeting, Whole Room Cracks Up At Him

State Rep. Freaks Out After Colleague Touches His Arm In Meeting, Whole Room Cracks Up At Him
Pennsylvania GOP state rep. Daryl Metcalfe wants Rep. Matt Bradford and everyone else to know: "I'm a heterosexual, I have a wife, I love my wife, I don't like men as you might, stop touching me."

Why the Silence Breakers Are TIME's Person of the Year 2017

Why the Silence Breakers Are TIME's Person of the Year 2017
Donald Trump was on the shortlist, but the women who bravely spoke up about sexual harassment and started the current movement are Time's Person of the Year.

How To Narrate Your Life Story - School Of Life

How To Narrate Your Life Story - School Of Life

A short animation for the School of Life, written and narrated by Alain de Botton. Directed and animated by Olga Makarchuk Animation assistance Roxana Bentu Narration by Alain de Botton Sound by Mad Adam Films http://ift.tt/2f8ZcJ0



—The film Squame explores the body’s sensitive envelope, the skin. The ephemeral animated desquamations, created with the help of sugar casts, evoke fragile landscapes in a world at the edge of abstraction. Somewhere between archeological artifacts and macroscopic observations, the friable frontiers of these human bodies elude our gaze. —Le film Squame explore l’enveloppe sensible du corps, la peau. L’animation de ses desquamations éphémères, réalisée grâce à des moulages en sucre, évoque des paysages fragiles s’ouvrant sur des mondes à la limite de l’abstraction. Entre artéfacts archéologiques et observations macroscopiques, les frontières friables de ces corps humains se dérobent à notre regard. Awards / Prix : Grand prix pour la meilleure innovation technique : ANIMAX 2016, Skopje Macédoine Prix du Meilleur son : OIAF Ottawa International Animation Festival 2016 Toronto New Vision Award 2016 : Toronto Arthouse Film Festival Prix d’interprétation : Piaff - Festival International du Film d'Animation de Paris 2016 Mention spéciale, Les nouveaux alchimistes : Festival du Nouveau Cinéma 2016 Best Experimental Film : Festival TOFUZI 2016 Best Technique : Festival TOFUZI 2016 Best Experimental Film : MONSTRA 2017 Programme Director Special Mention : StopTrik IFF 2017