Rabu, 08 Maret 2017



*Recommended: dark viewing environment / 4K or HD resolution / quality sound ReflectionVOID A short film by Lance Page Original music by Lorn After dusk in the high desert, as the sky quickly darkens, a lone hiker stumbles across a window into another world. As the man approaches the portal, he is met with his own reflection and we suddenly sink into the ReflectionVOID. In the VOID, scattered portals reflect star patterns against deep black skies. The stars sing to us, but the relentless nature of the high desert reminds us of our mortality. The razor sharp cactus blades and the cold jagged rock formations threaten our fragile bodies. The portals allow us a deeper perspective, they show us the Universe as we reach into our souls for cosmic significance. As we sink deeper into the unknown, we’re met with a tall human-like figure, a mysterious desert dweller with a purpose and a message. Watch our behind the scenes documentary for more: There Will Be Portals: Making of ReflectionVOID http://ift.tt/2mbepfZ A Page Films / Cinematic Syndicate Production Produced by Lance Page and Jesse Andrew Clark www.pagefilms.com http://ift.tt/2m3YNKR Original Music by Lorn http://ift.tt/1C15aPp Gear and production support: eMotimo http://emotimo.com Vizual Jockey http://ift.tt/2m3OFl9 Refraction Film Company San Diego http://ift.tt/2mBfMlh Alpine Labs http://ift.tt/1XmZqvs

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