Rabu, 14 November 2018



The restaurant is closing, and Oleg Maratovich wants to celebrate. Taking along three employees who are no longer able to resist his charm, he sets off in search of adventure. "MERRY-GO-ROUND" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere. Read more about it here: https://ift.tt/2DCiCCD Director -- Ruslan Bratov Script -- Ruslan Bratov, Grigory Dobrygin, Ilya Nosochenko Producers -- Grigory Dobrygin, Pavel Karykhalin, Sergey Yahontov Director of Photography -- Vladimir Ushakov Edit -- Roman Geygert Cast -- Evgeny Sytiy, Alexey Vertkov, Pavel Vorozhtsov, Sergey Abroskin, Alexander Bashirov, Sergey Legostaev

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