Jumat, 17 Januari 2020

My Body | 2018

My Body | 2018

3rd year students 2D short movie directed by Sandralee Zinzen & Nicolas Nivesse A teenage girl is staring at herself in a mirror. She doesn't like what she sees; fat, skinny, ugly, she looks like a monster. Maybe she should just take a step back and realize she's not that monstrous Pôle 3D | Roubaix | 2018 AWARDS (4) - Best Animation Film Award @ ANIMÀNIE Festival / Plzeň / CZECH REPUBLIC - 2nd Place for Best Film @ SFS Film Fest / Santa Fe Springs / USA - Special Mention of the Jury Member Galina Golubeva @ Peterhof Film Festival / Peterhof / RUSSIA - Best Animated Short Film @ STAR FILM FEST / Sisak / CROATIA SELECTIONS (76) - CINEKID Festival / NETHERLANDS - International Thai Film Festival (ITFF) / THAILAND - KuanDu International Animation Festival (KDIAF) / TAIWAN - CHANIARTOON International Comic & Animation Festival / GREECE - KINOFEST International Digital Film Festival / ROMANIA - Festival International du Court-Métrage Étudiant TYO / FRANCE - EARLY BIRD International Student Film Festival / BULGARIA - Festival Internacional Animacion (FIA) / URUGUAY - Thessaloniki Animation Festival / GREECE - CINANIMA International Animated Film Festival / PORTUGAL - PRIME THE ANIMATION! International Student Festival / SPAIN - Tbilisi International Animation Festival / GEORGIA - LOBO FEST International Film Festival / BRAZIL - ANIMÀNIE Festival / CZECH REPUBLIC - ANIFEST INDIA Festival / INDIA - ZUBROFFKA International Short Film Festival / POLAND - Dum-D Student Animation Festival / USA - Festival de Cinema Escolar de Alvorada (FECEA) / BRAZIL - VIDEOBABEL Festival / Cusco / PERU - COUR(T)S D'ÉCOLE Programme / FRANCE - KINOPROBA International Film School Festival / RUSSIA - TINDIRINDIS International Animated Film Festival / LITHUANIA - GAZTEFILMFEST / SPAIN - KingstOOn International Animated Film Festival / JAMAICA - China International Micro-Films Exhibition / CHINA - Seoul Guro International Kids Film Festival / SOUTH KOREA - New York International Children's Film Festival / USA - kontrast Filmfest / GERMANY - Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (TAAFI) / CANADA - Cairo International Animation Forum / EGYPT - SHORTS Filmfestival / GERMANY - Festival JEUNESSE TOUT COURTS / FRANCE - WOIS Film Fest / UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - CORTOONS Festival / SPAIN - Animation Nights New York (ANNY) / USA - Festival Tout Court ! / FRANCE - Cinemira International Children’s Film Festival / HUNGARY - China International Cartoon and Animation Festival (CICAF) / CHINA - Kurzfilmtage Thalmässing / GERMANY - GOLDEN KUKER International Animation Film Festival / BULGARIA - SFS Film Fest / USA - The Unprecedented Cinema International Festival of Short Film / ESTONIA - Animex Awards / ENGLAND - BUSTER Copenhagen International Film Festival for Children and Youth / DENMARK - Peterhof Film Festival / RUSSIA - Festival de l'Acharnière / FRANCE - Galapán Film Festival / SPAIN - Sedicicorto International Film Festival / ITALY - Lago Film Fest / ITALY - Cerdanya Film Festival / SPAIN - Adelaide International Youth Film Festival / AUSTRALIA - Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt / GERMANY - Festival Internacional de Cine de Quito / ECUADOR - CARTOON CLUB / ITALY - Bengaluru International Short Film Festival (BISFF) / INDIA - STAR FILM FEST / CROATIA - Sharjah International Children’s Film Festival / UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival / UKRAINE - Milwaukee Film Festival / USA - KROK International Animated Films Festival / RUSSIA - FIKE International Short Film Festival / PORTUGAL - Warsaw Animation Film Festival / POLAND - SCAD Savannah Film Festival / USA - Anim!Arte - International Student Animation Festival of Brazil / BRAZIL - Festival Kab'Ratons / FRANCE - Festival Keep It Short / FRANCE - ALCINE Film Festival / SPAIN - CortoDino Film Festival / ITALY - Festival "Courts en Champagne" / FRANCE - Festival Internacional de Cine en Corto Ciudad de Consuegra / SPAIN - Delhi International Festival of Film and Television (DIFFT) / INDIA - MUMIA - Underground World Animation Festival / BRAZIL - Caminhos Film Festival / PORTUGAL - Festival Internacional de Cine de San Luis Potosí / MEXICO - Smile International Film Festival for Children & Youth (SIFFCY) / INDIA - Cinema Miudo International Children's Film Festival / SPAIN

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