Jumat, 10 April 2020

Wong Ping's Fables 2 / 黃炳寓言 (二)

Wong Ping's Fables 2 / 黃炳寓言 (二)

Wong Ping's Fables 2 Chapter 1: Cow accidently become super rich after years in jail on rioting charges. Cow now consider how to spread the blessing with all beings. Chapter 2: The con-jointed rabbit family was living below the poverty line. The family of five have to toil all day long but still cannot live from hand to mouth. An incident in Easter, the rabbit family was ruined. "Commissioned and premiered at Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland, 2019. Due to the consequences of the coronavirus, Kunsthalle Basel's spaces remain closed to the public, but the institution is actively trying to find ways to collect and share content with its audience because, in times like this, we all might need it more than ever. Together we asked ourselves, how does one continue to experience art with requirements for physical distancing and under the current conditions? This is why we decided to share with you the fables here." 黃炳寓言 (二) 第一章: 暴動罪成後意外地暴發的牛,深思著如何把幸福與眾生分享。 第二章: 活於貧窮線下的連體兔,一家五口終日為口奔馳,卻因復活節的一件事,引致家散兔亡。 寫於2019年初,委托自瑞士Kunsthalle Basel。 最近Kunsthalle Basel因疫情需要關閉直至另行通知,像牛一樣,她們都有與眾生分享的心,網上開放限時公映直至美術館重開的一天。現在回看,暴動牛坐牢時,議員們究竟又在做什麼呢?牛暴發後想要回饋社會的心是要救贖自己嗎?連體兔三為一體,在肺炎疫情下應該如何自我隔離?黑警又會否胡亂拘捕連體生物聚集破壞社會安寧呢?

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