Jumat, 08 Juli 2022



⭐️ When the first woman on Earth meets... the first-first woman on Earth. ⭐️ LILITH & EVE is a short adult comedy animation and feminist re-imagining of the Adam and Eve story, in which Eve accidentally bumps into Lilith, Adam's first wife and equal. A début animation from award-winning director Sam de Ceccatty and BAFTA-nominated producer Manon Ardisson (GOD’S OWN COUNTRY), with BAFTA-winning Aimee Lou Wood (SEX EDUCATION) and Susan Wokoma (ENOLA HOLMES) in the title roles. The film premiered as part of Tribeca’s animated shorts program, curated by Whoopi Goldberg. ----- cast Eve - Aimee Lou Wood Lilith - Susan Wokoma Adam - Conor Kennedy Archangel - Jake Graf Snake - Samuel de Ceccatty directed by Samuel de Ceccatty written by Manon Ardisson and Samuel de Ceccatty casting by Katy Covell & Ollie Gilbert music by Camilla Uboldi sound design by Louise Burton animation and design Samuel de Ceccatty lyrics and vocals Ashleigh Brown sound mix Damien Lazzerini An Ardimages UK production

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